Chapter 22

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Meanwhile, George approached Isaac with a smirk on his face, "God you're pathetic,"

Isaac rubbed his head, already weak from hitting the wall," As if I'm the pathetic one-" He cracked his knuckles and fired a few lasers, aiming for George's chest.

George just stepped to the side, all the lasers going straight through the wall. "As I was saying, pathetic."

George's eyes narrowed, his hands glowing yellow. His fingers elongated into fine points. His palm broadened and the colour subsided.

"He's got claws!" Willow shouted. "He's a furry!"

A blast of wind blew Willow off of her feet.

"Megan?" Willow questioned

"Nah bitch. Get fucked." George laughed, firing another gust of wind in Willow's direction.

Isaac was shocked, he stood still for too long giving George a chance to charge forward and slice his chest to ribbons.

Isaac fell to the floor clutching his chest. George smirked at his victory.

"Oh George..." Willow teased, light-heartedly

"Yeah what?" George hissed.

"You may have fucked up a bit." Willow smirked, firing a black and purple stream towards Cosmo, swirling around her as she stood tall.

Sprinting towards Isaac's Shredded corpse, Cosmo focused all her energy into one flow. A dancing stream of life that floated through the veil of reality. Harnessing this ferocious power, she diverted it through Isaac's body, bringing sense back to his nerves. Thought back to his brain. Strength back to his bones.

"You will not kill my allies!" Cosmo screamed at George, removing every scrape and cut from Isaac's body.

"You'll regret that." George growled, boosting himself forward towards Will at unfathomable speeds using his wind. Deactivating his claws, he outstretched his arm, grasping Will by the throat, using wind to lift him off of the ground.

"Nobody has multiple powers." Will grunted. "So what the hell are you?"

"Death." George frowned, outstretching his Claws once again, slicing straight straight through Will's throat causing blood to gush all over the floor.

Will tried to scream, but all that could be heard was a gurgling noise as blood filled his lungs. He fell to the floor writhing, then stopped completely.

"WILL!" Willow ran to Wills side, holding his body up in their arms, "WHAT THE FUCK GEORGE! COSMO?"

Cosmo shook her head quietly.

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