Chapter 12

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It was 10am on a Sunday, Willow woke up real late as Isaac didn't wake them up. They sat up and rubbed their eyes, "Where the fuck is Isaac?" Willow literally depended on Isaac to wake them up. They swung their legs off the bed and walked over to Isaac's room, knocking on the door. "Oi bitch, where you at?" Willow knocked again. After a few minutes they got frustrated and pushed the door open, only to find no Isaac, no bed and a note on the floor. Willow walked over to the note and picked it up, "this has got to be a joke right," They ran downstairs two at a time.

"GUYS! ISAACS GONE," Willow burst into the living room, the note still in hand.

"And?" Hannah asked. "Who gives a shit. That shitass has probably walked to Burger king."

"Yeah but he definitely didn't walk back, look at this," Willow shoved the note in Hannah's face

"Isaac ... gone ... burger king ... 10pm ... George"

"What?" asked Cosmo

"Isaac is gone and not to burger king, meet us there at 10pm just Willow and Hannah, signed George." Hannah looked paler than the walls.

"Well that's a trap." stated Cosmo clutching at the note. "It has to be a trap right?"

"I don't know but we're going to find out." Willow said dramatically

"Willow you're joking right? We're not actually gonna turn up to th-"

Willow cut Hannah off, "oh we're going whether you like it or not. They killed Amelia and I'm not letting anyone else die if I can help it."

It was 9:58 when Willow and Hannah pulled up to Burger king. Hannah was physically shaking in anticipation, "do we have t-"

"Hannah stop being a pussy, this is for your brother," Willow sighed, putting an axe on their belt for safety measures.

"Ugh fine," the two were standing in the carpark, seeing no signs of anyone yet when a green glow could be seen in the distance. Upon closer inspection, 2 figures could be seen on either side with a third inside the orb.

"You're late." Willow said smugly.

"Actually, we're just on time." Will stepped forward showing his watch which read 9:59.54

"Where is Isaac?!" demanded Hannah

"Where the fuck do you think i am!?" shouted Isaac from inside the bubble. "Dumbass."

Edward dropped the bubble and Will picked Isaac up by the scruff of his neck.

"I'm going to make this clear. Hannah, you will come with us or I'm going to snap your brother's neck. Deal?"

Hannah burst out laughing, "You think I would join you? NEVER!"

"1" Will started

"Hannah?" Isaac began to panic

"2" He continued

"HANNAH!?" Isaac looked on the verge of tears, his face turning blue


"FINE, fine. Put him down," Hannah took one look at Willow, and walked away from them.

"What the fuck!?" Willow shouted.

"We'll see you all tomorrow at noon in the old western town if you want a chance of winning this war." Edward began cackling.

Will dropped him and Isaac sprinted over to Willow to get away from them.

"Willow, what about Hannah?" Isaac realised what she had just done.

"I-" Willow didn't know what to say.

Will smirked," thank you for your... cooperation. Now leave, before we actually kill you," Will turned, about to leave when Isaac shot a laser at his shoulder. Will dodged it and spun around. He grabbed Hannah's arm, "One more fucking laser from you and she's dead alright?!" Will held Hannah's arm tight.

"Isaac, back off. We can't let her die, okay?" Willow put their hand on Isaacs shoulder to stop him. Isaac was holding back tears, he turned away.

"Fine, let's go..."

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