Chapter 18

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"What happened?" Will turned from cleaning up the spaghetti to see Willow in pain on the floor.

"WILL WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED?!" Cosmo shouted, basically holding Willow up so they wouldn't fall.

Isaac rushed in because of the shouting, "HEY! Hey guys calm your shit and focus on helping Willow, alright?"

At that second Willow stopped clutching their head, they sat up, she was pale faced and looked like she had just seen a ghost.

"You okay Willow?" Cosmo wiped their eyes, "what happened?"

"C-Cosmo? Cosmo!" Willow hugged Cosmo tight, "Cosmo, Cosmo are you o-okay?"

Cosmo was extremely confused, "I'm fine Willow! What the hell happened to you?"

Willow just hugged Cosmo, not wanting to let go because of what she just saw.

Isaac spoke up, "Willow snap out of this bullshit, why the fuck did you just collapse?"
Willow let go of Cosmo and stood up, "I- erm, nothing don't worry." She tried to walk out.

Isaac grabbed her arm when she walked past, "No, you're not leaving without telling us!" He glared at Willow.

Willow was very good at thinking on the spot, so they made up an excuse, "Fine, I had a horrible pain in my head and it made me fall, I think it may be to do with my powers?" To be honest, Willow wasn't really lying. But they also were not telling the exact truth...

"That doesn't sound good, did you overuse it or something?"

Before Willow could even answer Isaacs question she had dashed out the room to avoid further questioning. The rest of the group looked at each other, confused and worried for Willow.

"Well, erm, y'all want some spaghetti?" Will tried to lighten the intense feeling in the room.

"I guess, what about Willo-?"

Cosmo cut Isaac off, "Leave her, I know Willow well so I think they just need some alone time okay?"

Cosmo, Isaac and Will sat and ate silently, waiting for Willow to come back.

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