Chapter 8

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"So you stand against us! You will fall soon enough. It would be wise of you to surrender now and I may still show you mercy." George bellowed across the field. "If you value your lives i suggest you-" A laser burst from Isaac's palm, singeing a patch of nearby grass. "OI! I WASN'T FUCKING FINISHED!"

"I didn't ask?" laughed Isaac, sprinting full tilt towards George's frontline. Willow, out of confusion because Isaac discarded the plan, beckoned the rest of the faction to charge in behind him.

"Hannah! Boost Me!" screamed Amelia, a blur on the battlefield.

"Well i can't if you don't stop fucking moving can i?" retorted Hannah, steadying her hand and firing an enhancer towards Amelia's general direction.

"Finally, i can speed this process up" declared Amelia, stopping the flow of time whilst launching herself towards a motionless Josh. "you didn't see this coming?" she jabbed, plunging a dagger into the base of his spine.

"FUCK!" cried Josh in agony, writhing on the ground. "WILL! SORT THIS BITCH OUT!"

Bringing time to a halt again, Amelia began approaching Will, readying her dagger.

Resuming time, she brought the dagger down, only to be stopped by a firm hand planted in her stomach.

"Oh, You're approaching me?" Will smirked, lifting her high into the air, he brought her swiftly down into the ground, leaving a small crater where she fell. The crack of her bones was audible across the Warzone, turning all heads in their direction.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" screamed Willow, charging at Will full speed,

"So instead of running away, you're coming right to me? The mistake of a fool" Will began laughing

"I can't beat the shit out of you without getting closer!" Willow challenged

"Oh, then come as close as you like." Will dared them,

"That's a bit sus Will" Willow sneered

"Fuck you, that's it." Will began charging towards Willow, lifting them up by their neck and squeezing.

"Harder daddy" Willow joked

"WHAT THE FUCK YOU'RE 13!" screamed Will, throwing Willow as far away from him as super humanly possible. Willow hit the ground face first, breaking their nose, "OWWW!". Willow stood up, blood running down their face, and went right back into battle no shits given.

Willow felt a sharp tug on their arm and a numbness in their nose.
"What the fuck are you doing you're going to get yourself killed." said Cosmo, visibly shook with a blue aura emanating from her hands, "You're powerless in hand to hand combat against his super strength and we all know it. Let Isaac take him on." Cosmo planned.

"No, let's call this battle a day. I don't want to lose more than 1 person right now." Willow admitted defeatedly.

"All Faction members. Fall back!" Willow cried, tears streaming down their face.

Isaac fell back seeing Willows distraught, "The fucks wrong with you?" He hadn't realised Amelia had been massacred.

"Come on please can we just go," Willow turned around and walked back fast.

Upon getting home Willow dashed upstairs, locking themselves in their room, grieving.

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