Your friends. You would never see your friends ever again. Yes, you did not spend that much time with the friend group outside of school, but that didn't change the fact that you cared for them. They were the ones who made school at least a little fun while you were there. They stopped you from overworking too much and distracted you from the stress of finals.

Your parents. They sacrificed everything for you. Living under the same household since the 18 years you've been on this Earth, you loved them and would not ask for anything better. They fed you, gave you a roof to live under, kept you healthy, and listened to your future aspirations.

Last, but not least, your path to success. How... could this happen? The work you put in... the hundreds and hundreds of hours you dedicated to your work... was it all for nothing?

This was fucking bullshit.

Wishing to cry about this for hours, it was unfortunate to you when a knock to the bedroom door interrupted you. Well, the tears had to be saved for another time. Quickly using your hands to wipe the wetness from your face, you reluctantly climbed out of the bed to unlock the door. The person on the end turned the knob to open it, revealing a middle aged woman. With [h/c] hair and [e/c], she looked similar to you... yet she was not your real mother.

"Who... are you?" you asked, feeling totally mystified.

She rolled her eyes at you. "Your mom...? Are you okay, hun?"

"Oh... uh, yes. I'm just perfect," you replied hurriedly, forcing out a wide grin and a thumbs up. She glanced down at your outfit and scowled when she saw you were still in your pajamas.

"What is this? Why haven't you changed yet? You don't want to be late on the first day of your new school, do you?" she gasped, planting her hands on your shoulder blades and pushing you back into the bedroom. "Hurry up! You've been waiting for this day since ages." The door closed shut behind you and you were left standing in the middle of the bedroom in a terribly confused state.

The first day of school. And apparently this was a new school you were to attend to, too?

There was nothing else you could do, so approaching the walk-in closet, you scanned the hanged clothes to find anything that looked remotely like a school uniform. It was actually pretty easy to figure out what the uniform was, because right to the very end was a white blouse, a plaid white and blue skirt, and a navy blue blazer. It was beautiful.

Stripping yourself of your t-shirt and sweatpants, you pulled on the outfit and looked into the tall mirror sitting at the back of the closet. The uniform now worn, it even looked better. The blouse lined with exquisite sewing, patterns were made near the buttons. A breast pocket laid on the left side of your torso. The skirt felt smooth and was at the perfect and decent length. The blazer kept you warm and made you look like a fancy business woman. Overall, it was rich. The school you were going to was probably going to be a rich one too.

Fixing your [h/c] hair to make yourself decent enough to be wearing such things, you left the closet and took a deep breath. The lump in your throat did not go away, but at least you weren't panicking. Not an irrational person, this was the best you could do. Perhaps if you continued on with this day, you could find the answers you seek and use that to your advantage. Maybe... maybe the journal was lying to you.

You knew it wasn't.

But by ignoring this gut feeling, it comforted you. No matter what, you were going to figure something out. After all, you always did figure stuff out.

With one last breath, you pushed past the door and walked through an extravagant hallway. Just by the glimpse of this small section of the house, you knew the building was large. It was the kind of home you wished to live in during your... past life, once you were successful.

Now you felt like this was undeserving... you wanted to earn the success of buying such a home. This felt like a cheat. Sure, you didn't ask for it, but the situation was the same, more or less.

Pushing your thoughts away, you walked until you reached the front of the house. The same woman was waiting for you there, a smile on her lips.

"Am I walking to school?"

She nodded, her eyebrows knitting together. "You said that, didn't you? I offered to drive you, but since the school isn't too far, you wanted to walk. Unless you changed your mind?"

"W-walking is just fine."

She nodded and beamed at you, holding a school bag towards you. Taking it from her, you tensed up when she wrapped her arms around you. Slowly relaxing within her arms, you felt the urge to cry again. "Have a good day at school, okay?"

The arms left you quicker than you liked, but you nodded anyway. Turning away, you started your way out of the front door, into the morning sun.

Putting your hands into the pockets of your blazer, a piece of crumbled paper touched your right hand. Pulling it out, you smoothed out the wrinkles and read the contents of it. It was the direction to the school. You nearly smiled at it. Thank god. If you didn't know the way to the school, you would've been doomed.

Taking multiple turns at the intersections of the roads, you were silently lost in your head, thoughts that were too loud and soft part of them. The sidewalks filled of people left and right, you could soon see some other teenagers wearing the same uniform as you. Relieved that you followed the directions correctly thus far, a rough arm nudged from behind you, nearly causing you to fall as you stumbled.

Whipping your head upwards to see who had bumped into you, the first thing you saw was the boys' version of your school's uniform and a mop of golden, blond hair.

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