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After quite a long nap it was finally time to get ready for taehyung.

He dressed himself in a plain white shirt with a jacket and just normal pants. He had to change a few times during the shoot. So what he was wearing now didn't really matter anyways.

Once he walked out of the Big cabin the same taxi driver was waiting for him at the front. But to Taehyung's dissapointment there was someone else in the car aswell.

He opened the door and sat right next to the person he had never met before. The brunnete could feel the akwerdness growing in the small vehicle and wanted to get out as fast as possible.

He decided to not say anything and looked out of the window ignoring the other person. But to his luck that person didn't have the same thoughts in mind.

"Hi my name is Eunsoo the male spoke while looking at the new model.

Taehyung sighed and turned his head to the man named Eunsoo. "Hi my name is Taehyung.

"Ahhh you must be the brother in law of Hoseok? I didn't understand why he brought this up. Eunwoo had a weird look on his face and i didn't like it one bit.

"Yhea that's me. It came out more akwerd then i wanted but o whell. The man next to me kept silent for a bit.

"So that's the only reason you are modeling for him right? Eunsoo spoke while gritting his teeth.

I looked back at him. For some reason it felt to me he had hurt my pride and i was definetly not gonna let that slide.

"And what do you mean by that? Taehyung spoke in a cold voice while crossing his arms over eachother.

"What i mean is that if you weren't related to him in the slightest bit as you are now. "You would never had the chance to model for him you know.

A smirk grew wide on Eunsoo's face. In Taehyung eyes this man was very insercure and tried to look all manly and cool to scare him.

"Oh really? Taehyung said sarcasticly. "Well i guess when hobi hyung came to me on his knees to ask me if i could model for him was a lie? he said in a asking tone.

I do remember him talking about this model not being enough alone for this shoot. Because he is not good or something. But i don't know maybe he lied about that aswell.

But... The brunnete scanned the man from head to toe. "But if i look at you i think he was telling the truth on that part.

Eunwoo scoffed but decided not to say anything in return. He didn't want to lose his job and he definetly didn't think the new model woud have such balls.

Let's say that Jin raising Taehyung has is perks. And this was a great exaple of it.

Not much later the two models arived on location and it was time for work.

Taehyung stepped out of the car and in no time a small team of women were seroundig him. "Okay take your shirt off and put this on. "Don't move your head to much i have to aplly some makeup.

He didn't even have time to think. And before the new model knew he was already dressed in a completly new outfit and his hair and makeup was already done.

A man walked up to Taehyung and explained they had 2 hours for the shoot. There were quite a couple of outfits they had to wear so we had to be as fast as posibble.

Taehyung and Eunwoo both were almost pushed to where the photographer was standing.

He explained that they both should strike their first poses. And that it should look as natural as possible. Almost like the camera was not there and you were just in the woods with a friend.

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