|Ch25| Pipe Down Pt1

Start from the beginning

I bite down on my bottom lip closing my eyes. "Brooklyn you ready to go? We still have to meet Rossi & Rohan at the spa." Crystal interrupts causing my eyes to shoot open.

I move away from Dame's lips a smile forming on my face. "Hell yeah. I'm driving, you see my new car my baby got me?"

She gives me a small smile. "Yeah it's pretty."

He grabs my plate out my hand looking somewhat agitated. "You gone come back to get dressed right?"

I look at him like he's crazy. "Uh of course the party is here." I remind him.

"Oh yeah, alright well I love you and be safe." He leans over pulling me close kissing me passionately. I try to pull away after a minute not wanting to make Crystal feel uncomfortable but he kept going till he wanted to stop.

I smirk when he pulls away. "I love you too and you be safe too." I reply taking the keys from him I watch as he gets out of the car. I look around seeing Crystal was already in the front seat with her face buried in her phone.

I'm just ready to go to the spa and relax.

• • • •

Laughs fill the room as we all talk while we're getting pedicures. Rohan sits beside me getting one too which I feel like is nice considering it's some guys who find that gay but I don't at all I feel like keeping up with your hygiene or keeping yourself together all around doesn't have nothing to do with your sexuality.

Meanwhile Rossi is across from me and Crystal is next to her. All of us getting pedicures and manicures.

"I just feel like y'all two about to get married or some." Rossi predicts.

"So soon?" Crystal questions.

Rossi side eyes her and opens her mouth to speak but I speak first. "It's not so soon," I mock. "I done known that man since I came out the womb. It ain't never been soon with me and D."

"Shit I got this one girl who shit so wet I might fuck around and purpose. You feel me?" Rohan asks leaning over trying to dap me up. When I leave him hanging we all start laughing. "Man fuck y'all."

Rossi fake throws up. "I can't believe females even want you. You so ew." She insults.

"Right back at you. You got computers that have lasted longer than your relationships." He jokes.

"Ouuu." Crystal instigates.

"Don't feel bad girl. Before I got with Damai I was single for some years. You have to find the right one."

"How you so sure he's right?" She questions.

"Maybe it's the way he loves me everyday, spoils me, bought a house with me, and wants to move me out the country. Maybe that's how I'm so sure Crystal." I somewhat snap her attitude finally irritating me.

She stares at me with a somewhat hurt expression. "So you leaving me?"


"You know what I gotta pee." She cuts me off standing up she just walks off her pedicure no where near done.

Once she's done Rossi speaks up. "I don't like that lil girl."

Rohan nods in agreement. "She giving hater vibes. And it's your birthday she trippin'."

"She's like a sister to me she just been through a lot and I'm all she gots. She just don't want me choosing him over her that's all." I defend her.

Truth be told my gut was telling me it was probably more but all I saw was that I'm the one wrong right now. Yeah she's being a bitch but I excuse that because I know what she's going through. I just hope she drop that attitude because it is my birthday.

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