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Girl, you're the one I want
You're the one I need
I'm beggin' you, please
Can you come back to me
'Cause I was blind to see
That's who was right in front of me
You were right in front of me- Steve Lacy

•Tyson Easten•

"Uncle Damai! Uncle Damai! I missed you!" Bri squeals jumping into his arms as soon as she sees him.

I shake my head fake frowning. "You wasn't that happy to see me." I state.

"That's cause you never come back with gifts." Damai boasts as he pulls a huge doll car from behind his back. "This is for Migan."

"Yayyy she's gonna love it thank you Uncle Damai." She gives him a kiss on the cheek and he pretends to be disgusted and wipe it off. She giggles snatching the toy from his hand and running up the steps probably to go give her favorite doll Migan her new car.

He shakes his head a smile on his face as he walks over towards the couch. "B coming in too. She was grabbing something from the car."

"Damn just invite anybody over my house then." I say sarcastically.

He flicks me off. "Nigga I know you ain't still holdin' grudges."

I smack my lips before breaking my fake attitude and laughing. "Nah me and her cool." I put emphasis on cool making it sound like it's something more. I see him somewhat side eye me but then look down at his phone.

"Hey people!" Brooklyn's cheerful voice fills the house. She walks down the hall before coming and taking a seat on the love seat couch by herself. I can't help but stare at her. Ever since Mexico and that night at the club it's like she's been looking finer and finer to me. I thought it was just me seeing the obvious but now I realize that it's deeper than that. The way her skin is glowing and how perfect her body is looking right now in her sundress that hugs her curves just right I can't stop myself from gawking.

"Wassup." Damai says.

"Hey." I mumble trying to push my thoughts down.

"Baby?! Baby you here?!" Just the sound of her voice irritates me. I stare up to see Christina walking in holding groceries. "I wish you would come help for once. Damn what I gotta do every damn thing myself?"

Brooklyn & Damai share a look like their trying to decide whether to laugh or shake their head. I grow slightly embarrassed that Chris always finds a way to say the most in front of company.

"How the fuck you doin' everything when I pay the bills and take care of shit? Like damn I would've helped you with the groceries if you would've said sum." I snap right back standing up.

Suddenly she's dropping the groceries and walking over standing in front of Brooklyn. "Well well....long time no see. You done grew up, you not a lil girl no more."

Brooklyn smirks at her matching her energy. "Right and time has definitely not been so kind to you. I can see your black definitely cracking." She stands up so that she's face to face with Christina.

Damai let's put a laugh that causes everybody to look over except for Brooklyn who is still holding her now smile. "Look it's been years since you pressed her in the mall. Just drop it babe. The whole vibe was cool and now you ruining shit-"

"Pressed me? Pressed me? That bitch couldn't of pressed me even if she was a hot comb." Brooklyn cuts me off with a laugh.

"Listen here lil girl I'm not gone have you disrespecting me in my house. You either shut the fuck up or get the fuck out." Chris says motioning towards the door. I attempt to grab her arm and try to calm her down but she yanks away.

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