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•Brooklyn Jacobson•

I place one of my ear buds in listening to some Drake song. The sound of other teenagers talking about Miles death in my ear. Some being that he deserved it and others being that he didn't and how his brother should get revenge.

I'm knocked out of my thoughts by Mila taking a seat in front of me. "A library? Really?" She questions picking up the book like it's the worst thing in the world.

I straight face her though if I wasn't mad I probably would've laughed. "Y'all left me last night." I call her out.

An unreadable expression fills her face. "Com'on girl you know we wouldn't of purposely did it. It's just me and Terry saw you with Cylis. I've heard all about him he ain't nobody to be messed with. Didn't want to pull you away from that."

"So you purposely left me," I laugh. "With a stranger who you heard is nobody to be messed with?" Each statement made me realize that this whole time I thought she was nice and a good friend. When truth was she's just nicer to me than others. Deep down they just as wrong as anybody else.

Mila shrugs. "You mad? Come on you turned out fine."

"Just like Terry cheating on you with half of the city will turn out fine right?" I can't stop myself from outing him.

She drops the book that she was holding loudly causing shushes to be shushed at us from the librarian and students to look over. "You're a bitch." She calls me before getting up and stomping off probably going to find Terry.

I turn around in my chair watching her walk out the library door. Meanwhile I look around trying to see how many people weren't minding their business. Just for my eyes to land on someone I didn't think I'd ever see again. His eyebrows furrowed as he has a conversation with a boy who goes to my school. His security who I could've sworn he called Nel right beside him. And I wouldn't exactly call it a conversation. It looks like the boy is the main one talking. His hands motioning in different directions and a pleading look on his face. While Cylis's face is completely serious and unreadable.

It's almost like he can feel my eyes on him before suddenly he's turning his head and looking at me. I quickly glance away trying to pretend I wasn't looking but that doesn't work. When I look back up I see him place his hand up silencing the kid immediately. Before I know it he's walking over towards me with Nel.

I look down at my book trying to act clueless. "Brooklyn." He calls my name.

I look up. "Cylis."

He shakes his head. "Though I told you to call me Cye."

"Like everybody else? That's kind of boring." I say with a laugh watching a smirk form on his plump lips.

I take in his entire look thinking of how clean and handsome he looks. He's one of those types of dudes that are fine but also handsome like genuinely really attractive. Makes you wonder what his parents look like type of handsome. And now that I'm seeing him in the actually bright lighting and day time he looks even better. He's wearing a Nike black sweat fit with some black men Ugg boots, chain around his neck, what I'm guessing to be a new Rolex on his wrist, smelling of a different but just as good smelling cologne. His gun print forming from his waist inside his pants noticeable. I instantly wonder how they even let him onto the school property let alone in the building. He has to be somebody.

"See you still rockin' it." Cylis motions to the watch on my wrist.

I look down sort of shocked. "I honestly forgot it was there."

He doesn't look convinced. "Right. Well anybody who see you with it gone know you know me." He gives me a heads up. A look of confusion fills my face and he points at the initials engraved in C.H. I didn't notice last night because of how dark it was.

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