3 White Lily

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Those blue eyes, oddly comforting, seemed surprised to see the two of us. The dark haired boy quickly stood up and closed the journal he was clearly working on. He didn't make eye contact as he placed the green covered journal onto the bookshelf.
"Dear diary," Kai piped up as he walked into the living room, I followed, "today I ran a stop sign, that action will haunt me for the rest of my life." Oh he must be Kai's brother, older I assume by his defined jawline and mature look. The way Kai acts is the same why I'd act if Luke kept a diary.
"What do you want?" The dark haired boy, about 19 years old, turned around and looked at me, staring as if he is a lost puppy.
"I would like you to meet Mary, Mary this is my older brother Charles. I think you two will get along very well." Kai smirked.
"You can call me Chase."
"Hi." I smiled at Chase.
"Kai your house is gorgeous."
"I'll show you around, but I'll be back in a minute."
"Um.. Okay." I thought that was odd. Kai walked up the stairs dark wood stairs.
"For the record, I think it's cool that you keep a journal."
"It's just a way to express emotions and keep a cool face on the outside," he smiled. Chase made me have a loss of words. My brain is scrambling for a way to keep a conversation going. Honestly I am just waiting to see the two beautiful creatures that produced these gorgeous children.

"I...I-" I froze and Chase is just looking at me smiling.
"Are you Kai's girlfriend?"
I laughed
"No I just met him today, I hope we can be friends at the very least."
"Well he is very lucky to have a beautiful friend like you Mary." My cheeks turned rosy and I couldn't help but break the eye contact. Chase flashed me a smile with his pearly white teeth, as his blue eyes shined at me.
"Thank you." I say as I run my hand through my brown hair.
"You're home is so lovely."
"My great great grandpa built the manner in 1845, he was the small town's mayor at the time."
"Very interesting, I'm kinda a history nerd."
"Well so am I, I'm well enlightened on our country's history."
"Are you in school?"
"No. I guess you could say that I am taking a gap year." Oh so Chase must be 18, 19. Not much older than me.

We continued to talk about school, great books that the two of us have read, and how being a teenager is actually the worst.
"It isn't fair that the rest of our life is completely revolved around how well we do as a teenager. It terrifies me."
"Oh nooo." He mocks, but his attitude was very cute. We clicked immediately, more so than Kai and I did. and it is amazing that Chase made me forget that I'm here waiting for Kai. Chase is comforting, as if I have known him my whole life. The boy next door sensation.

"Biggest fear?" I ask with a smirk on my face. The two of us were now sitting on the same couch on opposite ends.
"You know... sharks and bees mostly." He hesitated at first then responded with a dead serious face staring with his ocean blue eyes right into my evergreen eyes, yet by the time he finished his statement he laughed; causing me to join in with him. His laugh was perfect, not a single flaw.
"Your turn, what is your biggest fear, miss..."
"Ahh right, pretty name to match that pretty face, make sense." He grinned.
"Death would be the simple answer," I started to say, "but oblivion is my biggest fear."
"That's deep."
"Ohhh coming from the boy who's scared of sharks and bees, hmmm?" We both laughed. I loved how upfront and genuine Chase was. He is so much better than most boys my age. Boys my age are literally horny pigs that never treat girls right, they brag about sex and how much they can drink without getting their stomachs pumped. Don't get me wrong, I love a good party, but I am very responsible and conscious over everything I do.

I looked down at my phone, *4:07* Shit. I need to be home for dinner then practice.

"Chase, it was so nice to meet you but I need to get home for dinner."
"No problem Mary. I wonder where Kai ran off to." Chase got up and yelled up the stairs for Kai, but there was no response. I got up and grabbed my stuff waiting.
"I could drive you home if you'd like?" Chase offered, that was so sweet of him. But where the hell was Kai, that was kind of rude of him to blow me off like that; yet, I did not mind spending time with Chase.
"I would love a ride."

As we walked outside, he picked a flower and handed it to me.
"A White Lily, it's heavenly to be with you."
"Wow, what a gentlemen. Maybe chivalry isn't dead." I smelled the beautiful flower and it reminded me of blissfulness.

Chase opened the middle garage and sitting there is an old red Porsche that I immediately fell in love with.
"Is that a 1963 Porsche 356B Karmann Coupe??!"
"Damn. You are full of surprises, and I am very impressed. Yes it is."
"My dad is a car guy, so I've grown up with knowing these things, especially beautiful cars like this. How'd you get her?"
"Passed down by my grandpa." Chase said as we both get into his stunning car.
"Where are we headed?"
"Top of Maple."
"Sounds good." The engine started with no problem, it was music to my ears. He turned the radio on and I suggested turning on today's hits. He laughs and says:
"Get out of my car. There is no way I will allow T Swizzle or Ed Mendes-something in this car! That is final." This boy could make me laugh for days, and honestly my face is starting to hurt from all the smiling. But also it was a good feeling.
"First of all, it's Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran."
"Nope, I'm pretty sure it's Harry Sheeran"
"STYLES" I laugh.

We pulled into my driveway and I secretly did not want the car ride to ever end Chase is perfect.

"Thank you so much for the ride. I'll make it up to you somehow."
"I hope you do, that way I can see you again." I grabbed my bag, portfolio and flower and got out of his lovely car. I shut the door, and I also heard him shut his side door. Is he really walking me to my front door, this is ever girls dream. Yet standing there in daylight, it was not as special as I imagined; yet it was still perfect.
I gazed into his eyes and I was mesmerized, "your eyes are so handsome Chase."
"As are yours, he brushed a piece of hair out of my face."
"Hey I was wondering if you'd like to uh—" I wanted to ask him to Tyler's all invited party this weekend. But my front door opened.

"Mary, where the hell have you been. Mom's been freaking out. That's not even the same boy you left school with!"
"Chase meet my freshman brother Luke."
Chase stuck out his hand to shake Luke's, "nice to meet you." Like always Luke didn't comply, and shut the door on us.
"You better get going."
"Yeah. Thanks so much for the ride again, I really appreciate it."
"You know where to find me when you wanna make it up to me." he smirked walking down my front steps.

I walked inside and saw Luke on the couch, I never wanted to punch him more in my life. There was no better time to kiss a boy and he totally blew my chance.
"Is that your new boyfriend?!" Luke annoying me.
"Since when are you so interested in my life?" I snap back.
"Behave you two," we here our dad calling from the kitchen as I walk upstairs to my room.

I put my stuff down and change into my blue and gold cheer outfit. The outfits this year are very cute, tight cut off shirt and short booty skirt.

I laid down on my bed for a few minutes and I check my phone and notice that I have fourteen messages from my group chat between M, Ry and I appropriately named, dem bitches. I opened the messages to read this:


M: Did Kai drive you home??!

Ry: M's jealous :*

M: I just want some details!!!

Ry: I'm always down for a juicy story

M: Mare??

Ry: They are probably making out in his car

M: *rolls eyes*

Ry: or he's secretly a serial killer

M: now i'm worried !!!

Ry: relax M she's ok


M: Mare?? You there girl??!!

Ry: are you guys coming to practice?

M: There is no practice without your captain :*

Ry: Mare?


Mare: Hellz yeah I'm going, I'll tell you everything at practice. xoxo :*

Ry: see she's alive M

M: *rolls eyes*

I rolled out of bed and went into my bathroom and placed the lily in some water, I smelled it again and smiled. I walked downstairs to join my family for some dinner before heading off to cheer for 5:30.

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