The Reason

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Hi, here is a new one shot. In this one shot there will be one of my oc's. His name is Yuu Nishima his quirk is Savior, which is a  healing quirk. His quirk will be explained later in this one shot. Now, have fun reading this.

Shigaraki's Pov:

I had asked the L.o.V members to find and recruit someone with a healing quirk or at least someone with medical knowledge since we get hurt a lot and we don't always have someone who can treat our wounds. As I waited for them to return I played some games on my switch. I played for at least two hours before I heard the door opening revealing Toga. Judging by the fact that she was alone she hadn't found someone fitting. A few more minutes flew by and my boyfriend Dabi came in he also didn't have any luck. He even seemed pissed off. As he saw me he sat next to me and pulled me into a hug. "What's wrong?" I asked him. "Nothing, just some asshole that made fun of you." He replied in a very angry tone. "Well, I'm here and you probably got rid of the one that made fun of me, so lighten up." I said in a calming voice, while I caressed his hair. "You're right, I did burn him to ashes and you're here." He mumbled. We hugged for about half an hour, before we heard the door opening again revealing Mr. Compress and Spinner. They both didn't have any luck finding someone either. The only one that hasn't returnend yet his Twice. Maybe he found someone? As soon as I had thought that Twice and someone else entered the hideout. The person with Twice had pink hair and was as tall as me. The person appeared to be male and very young. Before I could inspect the pink haired male further Twice yelled excited:" I found someone!!!" " Okay Twice. Now, would you please introduce yourself, pinkie?" I asked the pink haired male. He looked at me and now I noticed his petrol eyes. "Sure, my name is Yuu Nishima, I'm 19 years old and my quirk is Savior." He replied in a calm voice. "What excaxtly does your quirk do?" I asked curiously. "Well, my quirk allows me to heal any wound inflicted on a human body, aswell as on animals and myself. However, it can't heal wounds that are already scars for at least a year." He replied. " What kind of wounds can you heal?" Dabi asked. " I can heal any wound, from a mini scratch to a life threatening wound." He  answered Dabi's question. Hmm, interesting I thought. He will definetly be helpful,  but does he have any combat experience? If he does, it would be even better because then we wouldn't have to protect him all the time. " Do you have any combat experience?" I asked Yuu. " Yeah, I do. I'm really good with daggers and I have killed people before so you don't have to worry about that." He said. " Well then welcome to the League, Yuu Nishima." I said. He just replied with a short thanks, before he followed Toga to his room. Just as he had left I realized that I had forgotten to ask him, if his quirk had a weakness. I'll just ask him another time I thought and turned back to my boyfriend. "He's interesting, don't you think?" Dabi asked me. "Yeah, I mean he does have more of a quirk that would be called a heroic quirk but he decided to join the villains. I wonder what happend in his past." I replied. "Hmm, I guess we will find out when he's ready to tell us." Dabi said and I agreed. After that we went upstairs into my room and cuddled there for awhile. It was nice being embraced by Dabi, since we don't have much time for affection. Afterall we still have to throw the heroes down their throne.

Dabi's Pov:

I was cuddling with my boyfriend until we heard screams from outside. We both got up and rushed outside. As soon as we got there we saw that we were under attack. Some heores did find us. All of the others were already fighting. Damnit! How did those stupid heroes find us? I was so deep in thought that I didn't realize that one of those pesky heroes tried to attack me. Before she could do that a dagger hit her right in the eye and she fell to the floor, dead. I turnend around to see Yuu standing there. "Thanks" I said to him. " No problem, I mean we are comrades." He replied before we both started fighting again. I was in the middle of a fight with some stupid hero, when I saw Shiggy being choked by Endevour. As I saw that scence my body acted on it's own. I ran towards Endevour throwing my flames at him carefully, so that I wouldn't hurt Shiggy. Endevour did let go of Shiggy and he started coughing. I rushed right infront of Shiggy so that Endevour wouldn't have the chance to kill my boyfriend. The next few scences were so fast. I attacked Endevour but another hero dodged the attack for that asshole and before I could even think of another attack Endevours flames had hit me. I fell to the floor, due to my skin burning. The flames of Endevour did go out after a few minutes but he then hit me multiple times and I was coughing out blood. Then I passed out.

Shigaraki's Pov:

I just sat there, seeing Dabi being brutally beaten before my body began twitching. In a few seconds I was standing behind Endevour without him realizing my presence. I felt my bloodlust become stronger and I touched the flaming bastard with all of my five fingers. In less then 10 seconds he was a nothing more than ashes. I sunk to my knees holding Dabi's lifeless body. I began to cry. No, you can't leave me like this Dabi. You're the reason I've made it this far. Before I could think of anything else I heard Yuu give the League orders. "Kurogiri, bring us all to a different place where the heroes can't find us." He shouted." I know that I'm not your boss and I do respect Shigaraki as our boss but he is in a state of shock so please do this forus, Kurogiri." He added when he didn't get any reaction. As they all heard that Kurogiri warped us all to a place far away from the hideout. As we were there he rushed to me and Dabi. "Everyone, please go to a different room and treat your injuries the best you can. I will be with you after I heal Dabi." Yuu instructed the others and they did as they were told. "Shigaraki, can I please see Dabi?" Yuu asked me in a calm voice. "Sure, but can I stay here?" I asked in a hoarse voice. "Of course you can. I know how much Dabi means to you." He replied. I moved out of his way so he could heal Dabi. Yuu inspected the wounds first before putting his hands right above the wounds and some yellow light came out of his hands. The yellow light made the wound on Dabi's body close itself. He continued this for all the other wounds. When Yuu was ready he came up to me. " Are you okay, Shigaraki?" He asked me. "I'm better now." I replied. "Dabi will be just fine. He just needs some rest for now. You can stay here, I'll look after the others." He said and I felt myself relaxing a bit as I heard that Dabi would be alright. "Okay, thank you." I replied before he left the room to heal the others. I walked towards the bed that Dabi was lying on and sat down on the edge. I smiled a bit as I brushed his hair out of his face. "You're an idiot,you know that?" I whispered to myself. I felt myself getting tired and I layed down beside Dabi. I soon closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep. I woke up to someone playimg with my hair. As I openend my eyes I saw Dabi playing with my hair. "You're awake." I smiled. " Yes, I am." He replied with a smile. Shortly after that Yuu came in to check on us. We both thanked him and he smiled saying that we are comrades and that he would never let us die like that before he left again. "Don't scare me like that again", I said to Dabi and he just laughed." Don't worry, I'm still here." He replied before he tackeld my down and kissed me passionatly. I wasn't mad at him, I was just happy to have him back.

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