Chapter 17 - Sports festival part IIII

Start from the beginning

And if I attempted to do that with his quirk, I'd only get one chance to do so. Then the quirk runs out.

I don't have that kind of skill and knowledge on me.

So what am I gonna do?


I ran at full speed and tackled his legs. He was quick to get up but not faster than me. I grabbed his arms and pushed him back down to the ground.

Now straddling his lap and holding his wrists tightly, he sparked his hands so I'd let go. He then held me by my waist and flipped us both over, so his legs were now on each side of me instead.

"Is this the way you wanted the fight to go, Micky?"

"You should know by now I always have a couple of tricks up my sleeve." I smirked before activating Seros quirk and wrapping the tape over his arms then throwing him high up.


Of course he'd use his quirk to balance himself. But I thought of something else. This is fun...

Using mine and Todoroki's quirks, I ran around the stage in high speed, but not too fast, and attacked him with ice wall after ice wall. Mid-air, he dodged it the best he could, until one of them hit him. Yesss.

I was quick to run to his side and land an uppercut.


I started to feel a bit dizzy. However, I quickly brushed it off when I saw him holding up his hand and sending a huge blast.

Smoke was everywhere and not even speed could help me now. I could try to fan it out, but I'm pretty sure he'll blast me by then.

"Come out, come out, wherever you are..." aw hell no.

Out of panic, I attacked with fire, electricity, lightning and his own quirk to punch him back and hope the blast would be enough. Our fists collided with each other.

The thing is, I'm not as strong as him physically. So I needed those quirks to give me an extra boost.

I recall seeing him fly out of bounds while I was fighting for consciousness. This many quirks did not do me good...

But I guess I passed out before he did.


- - -

"THEY... THEY PUT YOU... IN... IN CHAINS?" I wheezed.

He muffled something but I didn't bother to listen because of my laughing.

"What was that, Katsuki?" I flicked away my tears and tried to compose myself as All Might suddenly dropped from the sky and walked towards us with medals.

After passing out I woke up in the nurses office they'd set up here and felt lightheaded. Then I got a bit irritated cause of how stupidly I used 4 quirks at the same time, knowing damn well I couldn't take it.

And then Katsuki must've gotten angry at who knows what and it made me laugh.

"YOUNG TOKOYAMI. Fantastic performance today, you should be very proud!" he said and put the bronze medal over Tokoyamis neck.

"YOUNG MIKIO. Excellent, just excellent technique and speed, especially in your last couple of fights!" I almost completely geeked out when he put the medal around my neck.

"Your father would've been very proud..." he whispered and flashed his signature smile even brighter. I almost cried.

What an eventful day.

- - -

"I think it's safe to say that you, Zella and Ochaco, are the most badass girls I've ever met." Mina said as she slapped our backs.

"Yeah, don't tell your cousin this but your class is definitely stronger... for now."

"You must be Kendo! Class B's representative, right? Neito's talked a lot about you." I smiled and put my hand out.

She shook it and flashed me a bright smile.

"Nice to meet you, Mikio. You're definitely one to watch out. I mean, your fight against Todoroki? Incredible!"

I don't know why Neito sounded so irritated when talking about her, she was so sweet. He's just too annoying to understand.

I pulled my sweatpants up and dried my hair with a towel. "Thank you so much!"

"Though, why do I get the feeling that you could've won over almost all of your fights in a much easier way?" Kendo asked.

"Yeah! That other quirk of yours that we've like, NEVER seen, could've easily gotten you to the finals." Hagakure added.

"That obvious, huh?" I giggled and fixed my shirt.

"The sports festival is about showing what you can do, and so I had to be a bit of a show off. Especially with my friend Hitoshis quirk, my opponents never saw it coming." I smirked.

"Well, you're sure to get many offers from different agencies *ribbit*."


But I always thought        You really know
you'd come back                   how to make me cry
tell me,                                  when you give me
All you found was                   those ocean eyes
heartbreak and misery

- O. Uraraka                        - T. Asui


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