Chapter XVIII: Psychopath

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Kol was bouncing around all giddy as we walked up to a huge house. He was acting like a child about to pick out all his favorite toys to buy. I rolled my eyes, glancing back at him.

"You didn't need to come with me." I mumbled, as his hand touched my lower back. His head leaned in next to my ear, inhaling my scent as he breathed out.

"I told you, You are not leaving my side." He said lowly before I felt him press a kiss to my hair. "Besides, I wouldn't miss this for the world." He added, pulling back with a grin. I rolled my eyes, stepping to the door and opening it with ease. Kol was rolling on his heels in excitement. Walking into the house, it seemed pretty empty. No sounds or movement. Kol followed behind me, keeping his distance as I held my hand up to him. Before we knew it, a blue eyed vampire ran down to stand in front of me. His eyes scanning me and lip up in a half smirk.

"And who are you?" He questioned, before his eyes moved to see Kol behind me. "What a wonderful surprise." He huffed. Kol gave him a little wiggling finger wave, acting all giddy at the sight of him. "So what can I do for you both?"

"Well, Damon, this here is Echo. Our young revived slayer." Kol spoke for me since I was looking around. I felt the eyes of Damon on me.

"And you both are here...because?" He questioned. I turned to him with a smile.

"Well, I'm here to kill you of course." I told him. I could have sworn that Kol was rubbing on me way too much. Damon's half smirk dropped as he took in what I said.

"You're not serious, are you?" Damon questioned, his head turning to look back at Kol then back to me. "You couldn't take Caroline... the Barbie of the vampires. What makes you think you can take me?" He asked with his hands out. Kol let out a small child like giggle. His excitement was way too much that I rolled my eyes with a smile.

"Well you see.." I said as I walked towards him. He went to move out of my way but my hand shot out just as fast as he moves, shocking him as I grabbed his hand. "When a Slayer comes forth-" I squeezed his hand, breaking his bones in a loud crunching sound. "They are as strong as when they died. But you see.." I pulled his hand closer, bending it backwards and breaking the wrist. "The longer they are alive-" I smirked as I watched his face holding in the pain he was in. "The stronger they are." Damon finally yanked his hand out of my hands after I loosened my grip.

"I reckon, she's about as strong as an Original if not a bit stronger." Kol chirped in. Damon went to flash away, but I jumped forward, throwing my leg into his back. Knocking him down onto his face. "You are so screwed." Kol mocked as he watched.

"Stop her!" Damon glared at him as he jumped up and went to hit me, but I grabbed his hand used it to smack him in his own face. Kol laughed.

"Why? I'm just here to enjoy the show." I rolled my eyes as I released his hand. I wanted him to fight back. I wanted the thrill of an actual fight, not just an easy kill. But before he could attack me another person grabbed me from behind. I let out a crazed laugh as I lift my legs up and pushed my weight into them causing us to fall backwards before turning around and straddling the person. "Oooo!! Two brothers to One Slayer. This just got interesting." Kol said, trying to come off as one of those announcers at a game.

"What the hell did Damon do to make you want to kill him?!" The one I was straddling exclaimed. I rolled my eyes before grabbing his head and snapping his neck. I had no want to fight two Vampires at once. I felt Damon grab me by my neck, lifting me off of his brother and slamming me into the wall.

"Vampy boy seems pretty mad." I taunted, lifting my legs up and wrapping around him as my hand held his to my throat before I squeezed my legs together, putting him in a vice grip and hearing a few ribs crack. "Go on. Kill me." I told him. He tightened his hold on my throat, grimacing in pain himself. I stared into his eyes, I had to admit, they were pretty. "Bored now." I whined before squeezing his wrist and forcing me off of me. I got up and ran out of the room. I could hear him coming for me as I grabbed what I could, snapping it in half to make it sharp as he ran around the corner, impaling himself in the chest. "Nighty-night now." I whispered as he stared at me in shock and collapsed. His body greying in seconds.

"Awwh! I missed it!" Kol whined as he came running in. His eyes wandered over the dead vampire and a laugh left his lips as his eyes caught the wooden spoon sticking out of his chest. " least he's forever being spooned.."

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