Chapter XVII: Spiritually Connected

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Kol and I were currently sitting in the library, trying to figure out how Irina brought me forth from the dead. Elijah had joined us, reading up on the god Al-Qaum and the legend of him. Kol was reading a book on bringing the dead back and I was flipping through pages of necromancy.

"Echo?" I looked over to Elijah who was looking up from the book. "Can you translate this, please?" I got up, walking over to look at the page he was pointing to. I found it quite odd that the Original Vampires didn't know Arabic. They knew many languages, but my language hadn't made the cut apparently.

"It's told that calling the God to Life brings war with him." I read, tilting my head slightly as I reached my hand for the book. Elijah let me take it, looking it over. "Al-Qaum is basically a Soldier. One of the strongest. He was used to protect and guard the city of Light- Said to choose women to give powers to- Said to-" I stopped, staring at the symbol. Kol got up, looking over my shoulder.

"What is it? What's that symbol mean?" He asked, noticing the one I was staring at.

"Death. He is said to bring death in his wake. If brought back he will kill everything in his path.." I looked up as Niklaus walked in.

"Great, so you have another to slay. How do you kill him?" He asked as he looked at us. I shook my head.

"I can't. Besides- Irina didn't bring him back. She didn't get my heart."

"But she got your blood, Echo.." Kol mumbled into my neck as he nuzzled close to me, his arms wrapping around me.

"She still needs a heart of a Slayer though. Blood isn't enough." I clarified. Niklaus snorted.

"Blood is enough for things to start going wrong. We've all been in that line of fire. Besides, have we found out how she even brought you back?" He asked. Ever since they came to save me, Niklaus had been a bit nicer to me. Maybe hearing what kind of ritual I had been through to be here, he can relate somewhat. Kol had told me about the curse their mother had placed on him, restraining his wolf part. Although, he had broken it since.

"I'm still looking into it." I said as Kol shook his head.

"I read this thing that says something about connecting the dead to another. Apparently they become their life source. But I didn't understand it completely." Kol mentioned, holding up his book he went over to get. Elijah stood and took it, opening to the page that Kol doggy eared. Elijah glared at him for damaging the page but then went on to read it.

"This.. This might be the answer." Elijah muttered, his eyes moving over the words of the page. "All it takes to connect the dead to a life source is a piece of them. Blood, hair- some type of DNA that never stops regenerating or growing." Kol grimaced.

"Like nails." He said followed by a dramatic gag. I rolled my eyes at him and stared at Elijah to continue.

"Once a life source is connected, the dead can heal from them- but also die from them."

"That's great and all- but how do we know if I'm connected to someone?" I asked as Niklaus and Elijah both looked up at me. A knowing look in their eyes. "What?"

"You're connected to Kol." NiKlaus said with a roll of his eyes. "It's obvious. He can sense you, his blood was the only thing you didn't reject. You both are smitten for each other." I frowned.

"So me being connected to Kol could be why he likes me?" I question in a small voice. Kol turned me to face him.

"I don't like you because of some connection." He assured in a low tone. Shivers running through me.

"Actually- It might very well be why. Theres no way of knowing for sure though." Elijah said, looking up from the book to see the pain in my eyes and the glare that Kol was sending him. I weaved my hands through Kol's arms, breaking them from their hold on me and backing up some.

"So until we know- maybe I should keep away from you.." Kol stared at me, shaking his head no.

"Nope. You are not leaving my side. I told you this."

"Kol- if you only like me because of our connection.." Kol grabbed me, hugging me close to him.

"I like you for more than that. It might have helped, but- You. Are. Mine." He said sternly, nuzzling his nose back into my neck and licking where he bit me last night. A small moan left my throat causing my cheeks to redden as Elijah and Niklaus were still in the room.

"I-I need to go kill something." I mumbled, wiggling out of Kol's strong grip and making my way to the front door. Kol ran after me, demanding he came with me.

"They are sort of perfect for each other." Elijah mumbled as we left. Niklaus looked over to his brother, smirking with a small nod.

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