"Shit.." Toshinori cursed quietly to himself. "Y-yeah, I'm fine, I just need to rest. Please excuse me." The tall blonde bowed apologetically before rushing off to him room, slamming the door shut behind him. Dave looked around at everyone else confused.

"What was that all about?" He asked.

"He's just not feeling very well, he should be okay tomorrow." Hizashi explained although it was a lie.

"Oh. I'll go check on him later then to make sure he's okay."

"You don't have to do that, I'm sure he'll be fine." Oboro said quickly.

"I guess but I'd like to make sure myself." Dave said, rubbing the back of his neck before checking the time. "Well I best get to bed, see you all tomorrow. Amazing work out there again." He said with a smile before going off to his room.

"I guess we all should get to bed. It is getting late." Nemuri said as she stood up, yawning. "Night guys."

"Night!" Hizashi yelled with a smile and waved as Kayama went off to her room.

"I'm gonna head off too, try to get some sleep Hizashi." Oboro said.

"I will." Hizashi said softly with a small smile before looking down at Aizawa, who was still fast asleep. "I'll make sure he does too." The blonde added.

"You two need to get together already!" Oboro beamed, smiling. Hizashi laughed a little and smiled.

"Working on it." Yamada said, making the blue haired boy laugh before he said goodnight and too went off to his room. Hizashi slowly lay down next to Shota on the couch and closed his eyes. The blonde smiled contently to himself before slowly falling into a deep sleep.


Hizashi woke up suddenly, sitting up on the couch. He looked around at his surroundings and sighed to calm himself down from the dream he had. The blonde yawned softly and rubbed his tired eyes before lifting up his phone. Unlocking it, eyes squinting as he got used to the bright light, he checked the time. It read 2:38am. 'Damn it's early..' Yamada thought to himself before putting his phone away.

The young teen looked down at the still sleeping ravenette beside him and couldn't stop the soft smile that printed across his lips. 'I should probably take him to bed.' He thought to himself and got up off the couch. Hizashi gently scooped Shota up off the couch and carried him to the boy's room. It took longer than Zashi had wanted but he managed to get the door open and walked inside. Yamada gently set Aizawa down on his bed, smiling as he tucked the smaller teen into bed.

Turning on his heel, Hizashi went to walk out of the room but stopped when he felt something grab his sleeve. He turned back around to see the ravenette sat up in his bed, looking up at the blonde with tired eyes. "Sorry, did I wake you?" Hizashi apologised.

"No." Shota muttered as he rubbed his tired eyes, yawning softly as he did.

"Oh, uh, I will leave so you can get some more sleep." Hizashi said and went to leave again but the raven didn't let go of his sleeve.

"Don't go. Stay, please?" He asked, looking up at the taller teen, covering his mouth with his hand as he yawned again. Yamada tried to fight back the blush that spread across his face. 'Too cute..' Hizashi thought to himself.

"U-Uh..s-sure!" The blonde stuttered, fumbling a little over his words as he spoke, and smiled nervously. Aizawa scooted over a little to give him room and join before laying back down. Honestly Shota was surprised Hizashi even agreed to staying. However, this was probably his only chance to ask the young blonde if the kiss meant anything. To him, it meant something but the fear of rejection bubbled in the pit of his stomach. Yamada took off his red leather jacket and flung it aside before sitting down next to the smaller teen. Aizawa couldn't stop the blush that rushed to his face as he washed the blonde fling hie leather jacket cross the room and he could feel his heartbeat quicken against his chest.

"Hey..'Zashi?" Shota muttered, getting Yamada's attention.

"Yeah, Sho?" The larger teen asked, laying down next to him.

"I.." he started signing. "What are we?" Aizawa asked, averting his face as he was too embarrassed to look at him.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, what are you wanting us to be? We've kissed twice so what are we? Just friends? Soon-to-be friends with benefits?" The ravenette asked, causing Yamada to choke on his own air. Covering his mouth with his hand, the blonde coughed a little. Aizawa widened his eyes a little and immediately sat up before rubbing Hizashi back until he calmed down.

"S-Sorry. The last part just caught me off guard is all. Friends with benefits?" The blonde asked while a laugh.

"Yeah, you know..like Oboro and Nem."

"WHAT?!" Hizashi yelled, activating his quirk without meaning to, and booming with laughter.

"Keep your voice down I was only joking. I have no idea if they are." Aizawa scoffed and rolled his eyes before continuing. "But..did they kisses mean something?"

Yamada hesitated for a moment, fumbling to form any kind of words at all, as he blushed darkly. "Of course they did, Sho." He stated, sighing. He took a deep breath before continuing. "I've wanted to tell you for so long Sho. You are an amazing person and I just adore so much about you. Everything about you infant. You.. you make me feel things I never thought I could. You make me feel safe, like no one could ever hurt me. And I know that you'll never raise your hand to me, even when sometimes I deserve it.." Hizashi poured his heart out and was about to continue until he was grabbed and pulled.

Aizawa grabbed the blonde by the belt loops on his trousers and pulled Hizashi on top of him. Yamada's blonde hair, now free of gel as he washed it out earlier, flowed down in front of his face. Shota couldn't stop the small but gentle smile that crept onto his lips as he moved Hizashi bright blonde hair out of his face, tucking it behind the larger's teens ears. "You never deserve to have a hand raised to you, not for any reason, 'Zashi. I would never do that to you." The raven said softly, gently holding the Yamada's face with his hands.

Smiling softly, Hizashi lifted one of his hands and placed it on top of Shota's before leaning into his touch. They looked into each other's eyes in silence for a moment, just enjoying each other's company. Aizawa soft smile, slowly curled into a smirk as he got an idea.

The next thing Hizashi knew, he was on his back with Shota on top of him and straddling him. The ravenette kept his smirk as he interlocked their hands, pinning them against the pillow above Yamada's head. Aizawa slowly leaned down before whispered into the larger teen's ear.

"Let me teach you how you deserve to be treated, 'Zashi."

Broken Ears, Broken Body. (Erasermic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें