Chapter 4: A Test.

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Word Count: 1680.

The young blonde widened his eyes as he realised he had absolutely no idea what Aizawa's quirk was. He thought it was something to do with making objects float seeing as though his scarf always seem to float when he was ready to fight. He tried his best to shrug it off and focus on the battle. "Go!" Gran Torino yelled, signalling the start of the battle.

Yamada took a deep breath in and went to yell with his quirk but nothing came out. He started to panic, trying to get his quirk working. The young blonde looked over at the ravenette and saw that his eyes had changed from their normal grey colour to a bright crimson colour. Aizawa's lips curled into a small smirk as he flung one end of his scarf towards Hizashi. The young blonde jumped a little at the sudden movement but was quick to compose himself. Yamada grabbed the end of Shota's scarf and pulled the teen towards him.

Clenching his fist, he took a swing at the ravenette. Aizawa caught the blonde's fist before taking a swing of his own, landing a harsh blow to Hizashi's stomach. The young blonde stumbled back and held his stomach. He took a deep breath in, as Aizawa took another swing at him, and before the attack could connect Yamada yelled at the top of his lungs, feeling his quirk come back.

"YEEAHHHHHHHHHHH!!" The blonde yelled, stopping Shota in his tracks. The raven, along with everyone else in the class, covered his ears and backed up. "LET'S MAKE SOME NOIIIiiiise-!" He yelled again, his quirk being taken away from his again by the end of his sentence. He looked over at Aizawa again and widened his eyes slightly in realisation. "Erasure?" He questioned out loud, mostly to himself.

Shota raised a brow and smirked slightly, taking full advantage of Hizashi not paying attention to his movements. The ravenette threw his capture weapon once again at the young blonde and it wrapped around the other teens waist with a loud snap. "Took you long enough to figure it out." The raven said with a slight hint of cockiness in his voice before pulling the boy towards him. He clenched his fist and swung for Hizashi, landing another harsh blow this time to the jaw. Unravelling his scarf from Yamada's waist, he grabbed the teen by his hair and threw him down to the ground.

"That's enough!" Gran Torino yelled, stopping the fight. Aizawa let go of the blonde and stood up, wrapping his scarf back around his neck. He closed his eyes and sighed lightly, his eyes changing back to grey when he opened them again, making his hair fall back down onto his shoulders. Hizashi slowly stood up and brushed himself off. The blonde lightly rubbed his was where Aizawa hit him and whined.

"Owww, ya didn't have to hit me so hard, Aizawa." The blonde whined.

"Sorry.." the raven mumbled into his scarf and rolled his eyes.

"Good work you two! Although Aizawa, I would like to see what you're capable of without that scarf or yours. You seem to rely upon it." Their teacher stated while taking notes on each match. Aizawa nodded, shoving his hands into his pockets.

"Yes sir." The ravenette mumbled.

"That's why in the next match up you can't use it at all! Hizashi, are you okay or do you need to go see recovery girl?" Gran Torino asked, turning his attention to the young blonde. Yamada widened his eyes slightly and immediately shook his head in a panic.

"N-Nono! I'm fine!" He yelled before rushing off to join the rest of his classmates. The man simply shrugged before turning his attention to the rest of the class.

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