Chapter One

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Life is hard. Life is difficult. Life is going to punch you in the gut. 

But when you change your attitude, you change your behavior. 

When your behavior changes, so do your results. 

~ Will Hurd


          Winter Spengler hated everyone and everything in this forsaken world. She had just experienced the worst day possible. Not only had she looked like a fool before a bunch of her classmates, but she'd also gotten her report card. Either of those things would be bad enough alone but together they were horrible.

She was walking across the wet courtyard at school when she slipped and fell. Her clothes and backpack were soaked with mud. Thank god that her boyfriend, Oscar, had been there to help her up. She could still remember all the giggling as she'd hit the snow-covered ground.

Everyone thought she was a loser. Her parent's fame kept her from getting picked on, but she didn't have many friends. She wasn't pretty or talented enough to collect the attention of her classmates. Her only friends were the children of the other Ghostbusters.

There were five of them in total but only four of them were a tight group. Brad, Ray's son, was the clown of the group. The flamboyant boy was always the center of attention. Jasmine, Winston's daughter, was the rule follower of the group. She didn't sneak out very often and focused heavily on her academics. Winter thought of her as a sister but thought she needed to lighten up just a bit.

Then there was Oscar Venkman. He wasn't just Peter's son. He was basically a little Peter. He was a genius who didn't fully apply himself. He did fairly well in his classes but Winter knew he could do better. He was a party animal who knew how to have a good time.

Oscar's older brother Aaron was pretty serious about his studies and didn't spend much time with his brother or the rest of the kids. He had even started college at fourteen. To Winter he felt like a genius.

She felt even worse once she got her report card. Most of her grades were good except for her grade in biology. She wasn't doing well in her biology class, and she knew her parents were going to be disappointed. Her father had never said it, but she knew he wanted her to be a scientist, at the very least a ghostbuster.

Winter wasn't sure about the whole ghostbuster thing. Maybe she could get into it if her Dad would let her try it. He hinted now and then he wished she would take his place in the business one day but wouldn't let her near a proton pack. How could she learn how to perform the job if he wouldn't let her try it?

The sixteen-year-old girl had rushed home and been grateful that her parents weren't there. She didn't want them there to ask a million questions about why her eyes were full of tears. She wished Oscar could have come home with her, but he had to go to work. His Dad was teaching him how to handle a proton pack. Winter didn't know which was scarier, his boyfriend with a proton pack or Uncle Peter. They both tended to be a little wild sometimes.

Part of her was hurt by the fact Oscar was getting to learn how to use one. How come they trusted him with it?

Winter quickly took a shower and changed into new clothes. Being clean made her feel a little better but it didn't fix her problems. She was still a laughingstock at school and was nearly failing her biology class. She had no idea what she was going to do.


Winter ignored her parents the rest of the night. She stayed in her bedroom and refused to come out for dinner. She had no reason to be angry with them. They hadn't done anything wrong. They just wanted her to be successful.

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