Chapter Three

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           Winter wasn't put off by all of Ray's questions. He seemed amazed by the situation and was curious about all her answers. Unlike her father, he seemed to believe her right away, at least he was enjoying the idea of her being some kind of time traveler.

She sat at the table eating her breakfast. Her mother left them when the phone started ringing. Winter found it amusing her father stood in the doorway of the kitchen watching the conversation. Even though he didn't seem to believe her he was keeping a close eye on her.

That was definitely how her father acted. He watched over her like a hawk most of her life. She thought mothers were supposed to be the overprotective ones.

"This is amazing," Ray said "Do I have any kids?"

Winter frowned and pressed her lips together tightly. She wasn't sure she should be telling them about their futures. What if she changed history? That didn't sound like a good idea.

"Just give me a yes or no," Ray said, sensing her dilemma. "I just want to know if I die alone."

"No," she said laughing. "You have a happy marriage with a son named Brad."

"That's great," he asked, smiling. "Wow. I won't die alone!"

Ray had his hands full raising Brad. His wife was a writer and spent a lot of time on the road. That lead to Brad being really close to his Dad. Sometimes Winter was jealous of it.

"Alright Ray," Egon said, stepping fully into the kitchen. "I think she's answered enough of your inquiries."

"Sorry," he said standing up. "This is just so amazing. Do you realize what we have here? We could actually figure out how to travel through time."

"Go get some sleep Ray," he said. "You had a long night."

Ray nodded, letting out a long yawn. He'd forgotten how tired he really was. He slowly made his way out of the kitchen. As soon as Ray was out of earshot Egon sat down at the table across from his daughter.

"I apologize for my behavior earlier," he said. "I was a bit out of line."

"It's ok," Winter said with a shrug. "I guess I wouldn't believe it if it had happened to me."

"I don't know if I can get you home Winter," he explained. "I have no idea how you got here. Did anything strange happen before this?"

Winter was about ready to say no but caught herself as she opened her mouth. Something strange had happened. She had heard that strange growling in her closet. She hadn't heard that growling since she was a child. It couldn't have anything to do with it. Could it?

Then she'd had that awful dream. It was a dream, wasn't it? She really didn't know anymore.

"What is it?" he asked seeing the thoughtful look on her face.

"When I was little I thought the boogieman was in my closet," she explained. "It was just me being a silly kid of course. But last night I heard it again. First in my bedroom closet and then the closet in the rec room. Then I had a nightmare it tried to take me."

Egon frowned at that. Perhaps some kind of being had put her into the past. Anything was possible he supposed. A year ago he would never have believed this but after the incident with Gozer, he was ready to believe some pretty unbelievable stuff.

"I mean...that couldn't have anything to do with it could it?" she asked.

"Perhaps," he said. "I suppose we'll figure this out in time. I'll have to speak with Janine about it but I'm sure she won't mind sharing her home with you until we figure this out."

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