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song: bored by billie eilish

"Oh hey Sarah.. it was really good." I gulp awkwardly

"Tell me everything." She said giggling we ran to my room 

I crash onto my bed letting out a long sigh deciding if I should tell her the truth or not. 

"Sarah literally nothing exciting I went to look for him at your house to talk like I told you I was going to. Then we talked and he just said I could wait there for you and we watched movie, I just fell asleep." I explain deciding to lie, I mean it was her brother plus I don't want anyone finding out about that night.

"Boring." she said sticking a thumb down and her tounge out.

I wake up realizing I fell asleep in the dress and makeup from the night before, also remembering my time with Rafe.

I grab my phone seeing the time 1:00 pm 

"SHIT" I yell getting up, Sarah texted me 

Sarah: had to run sorry family breakfast :(

Me: no problem 

I take a shower and change into new clothes, a coral cropped t-shirt with a hawaiian shirt unbuttoned, and denim jean shorts. 

I get a text from Pope 

Pope: hey meet at jb's place now

Me: k be there in 5 

I head out noticing a note on the kitchen counter it read 'went on a little weekend trip with the Camerons be back soonest Monday.' 

Sweet. I get the house to myself and can be out as late as I want, wherever I want.

I head out getting in my car to ride to John B.s. A few minutes later arriving I see something that was a shocker, Sarah. 

"Hey guys!" I say getting out "Hey Sarah."

"I set up the cats ass for us to hangout!!" JJ said pointing to his hot tub and party lights 

"Nice JJ." I say laughing hugging him 

"Im sorry about last night." I say remembering how Rafe roughed him up

"Nah it's all good." He nods 

We all get in the pouge boat heading the the liquor store to get beer for tonight. 

"So my parents are gone the whole weekend.." I say 

"Party at your place 9pm tomorrow,  ill spread the word." JJ blurted

"No way!" I shout 

He disagreed laughing, we got some beer and headed back to John. B's place. 

It was now getting dark outside around 7pm we got in the hot tub, blaring music, and shotgunning beers. 

"So y/n how was midsummers?" John B. asked 

"It was o-" I get cut off by Kiara 

"Yall will never guess who her mom made her go with this year" She said laughing 

"Kiara!" I say shaking my head 

"No way who??" John B. asks 

"Rafe Cameron." JJ shakes his head blowing out smoke from his weed 

"WHAT" John B. laughs 

"Guys can we not talk about my traumatic night." I say awkwardly laughing 

all I need; rafe cameronWhere stories live. Discover now