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song: whyd you only call me when ur high

 It was now 5 pm when the car arrived I walked to the entry way grabbing my phone my mom attempted to hide heading out the door. 

My family got in the car the Camerons already in there. Sarah was sitting with Topper already and the one seat left was with Rafe of course. 

I walk up looking at his legs on the only open seat next to him "Can I sit there please?" I ask

"Do I have a choice?" He mocked me moving his feet I sat down beside him.

I looked out the window on the drive to the beautiful view. I would from time to time glance at Rafe he most of the time was looking at me or fidgeting with his gold ring on his hand. 

My phone started blowing up with messages my mom giving me a dirty look, since she told me to leave it back at home to 'enjoy the evening with my family' yeah right. 

I ignore the messages until I get a call it was from JJ so I answered it...

'Hey uh we are kinda.. stuck out in the marsh the boat stopped, ran out of gas can ya get us?' JJ asked frantically 

'Dude im on my way to mid-' I try to explain when of course Rafe snags the phone out of my hand putting to his ear. 

JJ said something I couldn't hear but I knew because Rafe looked at me raising his eyebrows sliding his tongue against his inner cheek. 

'Nope it's not Y/n and don't call we are busy.' he scoffed

I could now hear JJ now screaming into the phone 'RAFE? what the fuck you kook give her the phone!' JJ shouted Rafe laughed hanging up slipping my phone into his pocket, I rolled my eyes at him knowing he wouldn't give it back and i wouldn't bother trying, not after last time. 

We arrive a few minutes later at the island club Rafe got out and went around to open my door for me. 

He reached his hand out and I grabbed it getting out of the car he widened his eyes looking me up and down "You look nice." He said 

I smiled a little surprised by his unusual sense of manners. He looked really nice too, he was wearing a sage green suit that hugged his muscular arms, a dark green tie matching my dress, and his hair slick into a middle part. 

 "you don't look half bad yourself." I smiled a little trying to hide it. 

"Ok we need to enter with your date Rose and Ward will go first then me and Blake, then Y/n and Rafe, -" My mom explained lining us up

Hearing "Y/n and Rafe" just sounded wrong I looked up at Rafe he was already looking at me...

"What?" he scoffed 

"Nothing." I said shaking my head as we started entering the venue.  

When it was our turn to enter Rafe wrapped his arm around my waist tightly jerking me closer to him. We walked out everyone applauding Rafe shot a fake smile at the crowd as did I waving.  

We step to the side standing next to each other in silence. 

Rafe called a server over and asked for 2 drinks, the server handed them to him Rafe handing me one. 

"No I really shouldn't.." I say remembering the party 

"You know i'll take care of you, alright?" he said leaning close to my ear, sending chills down my body.

all I need; rafe cameronWhere stories live. Discover now