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song: friends by chase atlantic

My eyes flutter open letting the daylight in causing me to squint. I sit up scanning what i thought was my bedroom.. I was wrong shit. 

Tall bookshelves, golf clubs, and a deer head mounted on the wall. No fucking way. 

I am standing up when I see a side door open steam releases into the room and he walks out his towel hanging below his stomach very low, his body dripping with water along with his hair in his face.

My eyes widen and my jaw drops, literally realizing whos room I was in. 

"Your awake, you can leave now." Rafe waves his hand snapping me out of it as I was looking elsewhere...

"Uh yeah sure, wait why am I here?" I say confused 

 "You were just drunk so I took you here. I know how insane your parents would go if I brought you home last night in well the state you were in..." He grins a little 

I shake my head scared of what happened last night considering I didn't remember a thing after puking in the bathroom, the rest was a blur. 

 I walk out of his room and as i'm walking out he shouts...

 "Nice shirt." smirking as I look down seeing his shirt on me I flipped him off walking out. 

I shake my head looking down and bump into someone looking up I saw Sarah. 

"Shit sorry." I panic crossing my arms as if it isn't obvious whos shirt i was wearing...

"Y/n really you had me scared shitless last night I looked for you everywhere!" She said shoving me playfully 

"Uh...sorry. I kinda got sick and needed to leave."  I scratch my head 

"Leave? and end up in my brothers room...? Trust me dont with him, he's a dick." she laughs 

I know what your probably thinking, oh so predictable the best friends older brother but no. I never intended on anything happening between us I mean we hated each other right? 

"I know." I nod my head 

I ate breakfast with Sarah and then headed home trying to remember what happened last night, I really couldn't remember and it was scaring me. I hated drinking but have been drunk before and it never was this bad. 

Heading inside my mom runs up to me questioning me and hugging me. I was surprised she wasn't murdering me.

"Where were you sweetie we were so worried!?" she asked 

"Oh sorry I went for a walk with Sarah and just slept over at her place." I nod looking down realizing I was wearing Rafes shirt still, shit. 

My mom didn't think of it and told me to wash up and get ready for dress shopping. That's when I realized in 3 days it was Midsummers. I dreaded it every year as my parents forced me to go with some stuck up douche bag kook.

 After what felt like forever I found a dark forest green dress that hugged my waist nicely drooping down at the chest but flowy towards the bottom. We agreed and purchased the dress heading home.

"We are having dinner with the camerons so, no seeing the pouges tonight and no sneaking out." My mom lectured me threatening to ground me if I disobeyed her. 

"But mom they are my best friends and I haven't seen them in almost a year!" I whine 

She didn't two shits what i wanted if it helped her she did it, she had always been that way so selfish. I sighed the rest of the ride home was silent. 

all I need; rafe cameronWhere stories live. Discover now