Flames Part 32

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Inside the smoke filled palace, Neoma's survival instincts were well honed enough for her to blindly guide herself to the stairwell in order to access the roof. Her heart sank as she witnessed the upper landing completely ablaze, it would be impossible to pass it. Neoma began to cough uncontrollably as the smoke filled her lungs and stung her eyes. Quickly running out of options, she blindly felt along the wall towards the nearest available room. As her fingers came into contact with a large door, she threw it open and entered the throne room. 

Inside the smoke was less dense. Neoma's heart hung heavily in her chest as flood of memories paralyzed her. This had been the most sacred room in the palace, the backdrop of coronations, knighthoods and royal baptisms. It had also been the room where Neoma's father had explained to her the meaning of her name when she was eleven years old. He had sat her on his throne and removed the crown from his head, placing it on her own, 'Your name has a special meaning Neoma' he began, his eyes glowing with adoration for his little girl, 'it means the place in between twilight, you are the princess of the red moon and one day you will be the queen of the night sky'

The memory filled Neoma with renewed purpose and refuelled her survival instinct. Slamming the door closed, Neoma assessed her options for escape. A plan quickly formed, she could break the large stain glass window and use the throne to climb to the ledge and climb out. The ceiling above her head began to creak and groan with the looming assault of the unforgiving inferno which was beginning to threaten it's appearance. Time was of the essence.

Swiftly assessing her possibilities, Neoma's eyes fell on a glass case containing a ceremonial sword and jewelled sceptre. Running towards the case, she focused hard on the lock. To Neoma's astonishment, it snapped open smoothly. Her telekinesis still worked and didn't require the the same level of effort as when was previously human. Reaching inside, Neoma grasped the sceptre and ran towards the throne. She would push the throne under the window, climb it and smash the glass panes with the sceptre.

The throne was enormous and heavy, Neoma discovered that her telekinesis wasn't powerful enough to shift it. Without her previous vampire strength, pushing the throne was a task too arduous. Screaming out her frustration, Neoma continued to attempt to push with all her might as the throne begrudgingly moved a few centimetres.

The cruel and mocking sound of laughter assaulted the air. 'Now isn't this precious', suggested a familiar voice, in a tone acidic with ridicule. Spinning around, Neoma's large fearful eyes fell on Ravn. He was presented as a perfect prince of the underworld against a flaming backdrop as he casually closed the door behind him. His presence was as intimidatingly beautiful as always and just as unwelcome. As he strode towards her, Neoma's heart began to pound in her chest with the persistent knocking of a harbinger of doom. Ravn withdrew his sword in one fluid motion, revealing his lethal intent. Swallowing, Neoma straightened herself, grasping the sceptre as a makeshift weapon against him as she repeatedly chastised herself for not selecting the sword.

'Stay back Ravn' she warned, her voice firm. Neoma watched in surprise as Ravn abruptly stopped. To her dismay he threw his head back and let out a loud mocking laugh which reverberated around the increasingly smoke filling grandeur of the room. Recovering himself, Ravn's black eyes met with hers. She felt the burn of his stare prickling her will. 'Keonhee instructed that you remain alive, but of course, he isn't here..' he said, his heart shaped mouth twisting into an unpleasant sneer. The meaning in his statement was as deadly crystal clear as sheet ice.

Neoma felt waves of rage surging through her soul, 'I would never permit you to take me alive you worm' spat Neoma contemptuously. Enraged by her dismissive contempt, Ravn's expression evolved into a terrifying and rigid mask of hostility, 'You are a foolish little bitch' he spat as he strode towards her with anger fuelled purpose. 'I will never understand Hwanwoongs infatuation with you' he said spitefully, his onyx eyes glittered with resentment, never leaving her face. Neoma brandished the sceptre, it was hardly an ideal weapon, but she felt self assured confidence in her strategy and skill. If she was going to die, she would do so fighting and with honour. Neoma attempted to strike Ravns arm twice to knock the sword from his hand. Ravn responded with scorpion tail speed and snapped back both attempts. As the pair continued to circle each other, Ravn gave a slight smile and advanced towards her. 

Neoma attempted to stand firm, refusing to be undermined as Ravn raised his sword and began swiping with unabashed force. Neoma proficiently defended each attempt of Ravn's contact through a combination of evasive ducking and rapid blocking using the sceptre. The metallic cracking and clashing sound of their weapons connecting, combined with a barrage of insults being exchanged between both opponents filled the room.

Suddenly, part of the ceiling above their heads began to collapse as the timber gave way surrounding the pair with flaming wreckage. Part of the debris struck Neoma, sending her to the ground and her sceptre spinning from her hand, leaving her weaponless. Seizing his advantage, Ravn swiftly straddled her. His muscular thighs pinned her arms to her sides as he prepared to plunge his sword through her chest. His grin sparkled with anticipation as he suggested silkily, 'No more meaningless things.' Neoma swallowed and steadily met his cruel stare in a last act of defiance as she prepared for her imminent demise.

The sound of crashing and smashing startled the pair into inaction. Hwanwoong suddenly appeared before them amidst a shower of sparkling glass shards having entered through the now partially destroyed stained glass window. The sight of Hwanwoong, returned to his original vampire form was as relieving as the fresh night air that was challenging the thick deadly blanket of smog in the room. Hwanwoong advanced towards them. His teeth were bared and his pretty face scrunched in rage as he threw himself bodily against Ravn. The power of his impact, sent the pair rolling across the burning room.

As they struggled, Hwanwoong wrestled the sword from Ravns hand. Ravn retaliated by raising his leg and kicking Hwanwoong backwards. The sword fell from Hwanwoongs graps, clattering to the floor with an excruciatingly echoing sound around the large room. Ravn quickly jumped to his feet and sprinted towards Hwanwoong. Hwanwoong raised his leg and kicked Ravn back hard, sending him hurtling into the throne with a wood splintering crash. Quickly recovering, Ravn ran towards Hwanwoong, shrieking with heartbroken torment, his eyes glowing like evil emeralds.

Hwanwoong stood his ground, his own eyes glowing green, his jaw firm and as he boldly anticipated Ravns imminent attack. Unfortunately, at that moment, another large section of the ceiling collapsed around him, partially burying him beneath the rubble. Ravn ignored Neoma's screams for him to stop and continued to advance towards the now trapped Hwanwoong. Overwhelmed white hot rage, Neoma screamed again. This time the force of her will lifted an astonished looking Ravn from his feet and threw him away from Hwanwoong and out through the broken window. As Ravn disappeared, His departure was followed by a shower of collapsing timber which threatened to block the only existing exit. Rushing towards Hwanwoong, Neoma attempted to lift some of the wreckage as more debris began to collapse and surround them. Hwanwoong began to rapidly dislodge himself. Once he was free, Neoma clung to him just as the flames intensified, surrounding the pair. There was no escape.

As the flames circled and licked around them, the throne room transformed into an intensely blooming inferno. The fierce fire bathed the pair in a menacing rose red glow. Accepting their fate, the pair regrettably acknowledged each others tear filled faces. Hwanwoong stared woefully into Neomas eyes, 'I am sorry that I couldn't be your happiness' he said sadly, his voice cracking with pained regret. Gazing into Hwanwoongs amber hued orbs Neoma ignored the blaze and began tracing his fingers across his face and along his neck. 'You were always my happiness Hwanwoong' she said, meeting his delicate lips with her own. 

The pair began to kiss. Their kissing increased in a passion fuelled intensity as they both became surrounded by a fan of flickering flames. As the fire presented Hwanwoong and Neoma in a blindingly brilliant burst of golden heat, the tears continued to stream down her cheeks. Smiling through the blistering pain Neoma whispered in his ear 'It was always you.' Hwanwoong pulled her mouth back to his, their tongues swirled in each others mouths as they became engulfed in the amber crimson blaze.

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