Revenge Part 4

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In the Monarchs study, the soft glow of a single candle cast gentle luminosity on the solitary figure of Seoho. His downcast figure cast a lingering shadow across the large round table. The surrounding five chairs which sat empty around him were his only company. His head was lowered and cradled by his hands as he attempted to organise his thoughts. 

After Ravn had left, Leedo had shared the painful admission that he too would be leaving. His destination however was a shocking revelation for everyone as he announced that he would be joining a priory. Initially Keonhee had insisted that Leedo admit that he was joking. Leedo was unwavering and declared that he intended to surrender himself to the higher cause of saving the souls of humanity.

Keonhee had repeatedly attempted to dissuade Leedo from leaving, but Leedo had remained resolute. Defeated, Keonhee  had offered the compromise of travelling with Leedo, which Leedo reluctantly agreed to. Seoho secretly acknowledged that this was no doubt to provide a further opportunity for Keonhee vainly attempt to persuade him to reconsider. Following their departure, Xion had disappeared soon after them without disclosing his intended destination. If Seoho was honest with himself, he was utterly terrified. Neoma was unpredictable and dangerous and nobody seemed to be able to control her. He acknowledged to himself woefully that he doubted that Ravn would return.

Sadly raising his head, Seoho gasped loudly at the sight of Neoma standing casually in the doorway with her arms crossed. Her grey/green eyes silently observing him with a cool and calculated calm. 'Hello Seoho' she greeted him coldly, sending silver shivers of fervent apprehension down his spine. A blank look of astonishment crossed Seoho's captivatingly charming face as he appeared frozen in hesitation. Neoma gave an icy smile and advanced towards him sealing the distance between them in seconds.

Neoma lent across him, her lips now a centimetre from his ear, 'Where is Xion?'she asked darkly. Seoho swallowed the taste of fear in his mouth and remained silent. Neoma's calm demeanour quickly transformed into rage as she grasped Seoho by the throat and lifted him up against the wall. 'Tell me where he is Seoho, and you might live through this' she commanded. Terrified and struggling to breath, Seoho maintained his silence. He felt the burn of Neoma's stare prickling his will. The crackling silence was broken by a loud clicking sound of a lock securing what could only be what had previously been Neoma's bedroom door. 

Smirking triumphantly, Neoma dropped Seoho to the floor and proceeded to exit the study. Realizing that Xion was in danger, Seoho mustered his courage and immediately stepped to his feet. Brandishing his sword he advanced towards Neoma. Without turning, Neoma raised her hand and sent him soaring backwards before he landed in a powerless heap on the floor. Neoma glanced briefly to observe his unconscious form. She considered the possibility that she may have killed him. She acknowledged that this would be unfortunate as she still had a soft spot for Seoho. Smiling at the memory of their savagely intimate encounter whilst hunting together in the woods, she turned and swiftly exited the study. 

Striding with self assured purpose, Neoma approached what was once her bedroom door. Flashbacks of her first memory of this room presented themselves in fragmented sensations and brutal imagery. The deceptive kindness in Xion's eyes, his touch and his sweetly seductive scent. He had been her first experience of passion and her last experience of pain. The dagger he ultimately plunged into her heart had been the ultimate blow of betrayal. The dark kiss of death from an intimate friend. Neoma flinched at the thought as she reached the door and stared intently at the lock as it quickly clicked open. 

Neoma stepped inside and used her mind to firmly close and lock the door behind her. Her large grey/green eyes carefully assessed the room and immediately located Xion crouched in the corner with his head bowed in fear. Neoma smirked with amusement, 'Xion' she said softly, 'are you alright?' Xion hesitantly raised his head, his large amber brown eyes wide and fearful. He watched with unease as she glided closer towards him. Her presence was both magnificent and menacing. Standing over his quivering form, Neoma reached out and gently touched his head, 'Please stand up Xion' Neoma commanded with calm serenity.

Xion reluctantly proceeded to do as instructed and raised himself to his full height. Swallowing the dryness in his mouth, his eyes met with Neoma's. Neoma stared blankly for a moment before smiling warmly, 'It is good to see you my friend' she said with what Xion found to be confusing sincerity. Xion frowned and smiled back hesitantly. 'Neoma' he began, before being silenced by Neoma's slender fingers against his lips. 'No words are needed my friend' she said softly. Something in the way she repeated 'my friend' made Xion's soul tingle with apprehension. His mind became twisted in chaotic confusion as Neoma began trailing her fingers from his lips, down to his neck, then finally resting lightly on his collar bone. 

With sudden snake like speed, Neoma clamped her hand firmly against Xion's mouth and pressed herself up against him. She bent her head into his slender throat and took a deep inhale of his familiar lavender and honey scent. Neoma acknowledged that now human, Xion's scent was much more subtle, but still there. 'The scent that followed the wind calls me' she whispered cryptically. Neoma tilted her head to the side as she contemplated Xion's fearful expression. A sneer fleeted briefly across her pretty face, 'You killed me' she stated unexpectedly, her expression changing to a disturbing look of simmering contempt. She immediately grabbed a handful of his hair and thrust her tongue into his mouth. Her raw, anger fuelled assault stunned Xion into paralysis. 

The moment was abruptly broken by the unexpected sound of Keonhee shouting and banging loudly at the door. Tearing her mouth away from Xion's lips Neoma's slender fingers dug into his shoulders as her head plunged into his neck. Xion began to groan as she drank deeply, his knees buckled from beneath him as he was quickly drained. Delirious with excitement, it took exceptional effort for Neoma to focus on lifting Xion and unceremoniously placing him over her shoulder. Gritting her teeth, Neoma purposely strode towards the large bedroom window and willed the glass panes to shatter into thousands of tiny pieces showering the room in a galaxy of treacherous sparkles. Holding Xion firmly, Neoma leaped from the window and landed gracefully to the ground. The bloodlust was still glowing in her now emerald green eyes.

Outside the room, the sudden sound of smashing glass jolted Keonhee into evasive action. His handsome and angular face became firm and resolute as he raised his long leather clad leg and kicked his boot against the door. With raw determination Keonhee repeatedly drove his boot against the panelled timber until it smashed. The door began to splinter hanging uselessly form a single hinge. Keonhee advanced quickly into the room, running towards the gaping glassless window. Peering out he was greeted by the sight of Neoma clutching the unconscious Xion. Wild eyed, Neoma met his stare and grinned with eerie playfulness. Keonhee watched on powerlessly as she quickly spun around and disappeared with Xion into the depths of the surrounding forest.

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