Precognition Part 19

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Ravn's ebony eyes snapped open in alarm. His heart pounded painfully in his chest like cautionary drum battle beats. He had awoken from a dream so vivid and real that it confirmed to him that his precognition was returning stronger than before. He had missed this ability when he was human, he realised he had taken his power for granted. When it was gone, it had left him feeling as if he was half of who he was. When Hwanwoong made him immortal again, he began to sense the increasing energy of his ability returning. This had been both a relief, and he now he remembered, a curse. What he had seen had both shocked and deeply disturbed him. Sitting up instantly, his black eyes darted around the seemingly deserted dungeon.

Relief replaced panic as his eyes quickly fell upon Hwanwoong in his naked and pink haired glory, as he strutted around the dungeon. He hummed a tune to himself as he busied himself organising weapons and chains which he was carefully drenching with holy water. Clearly they were intended for another one of his perverse torture sessions with Neoma. Glancing over his shoulder, Hwanwoong grinned at him. 'Close your mouth Ravn, you look like a bewitched haddock'. Perplexed, Ravn did as instructed and rose from the bed and swiftly approaching the other man. 'Hwanwoong' he demanded. 

Hwanwoong raised an eyebrow quizzically, 'What is it?' he asked with minimal interest. 'I saw you, both of you, you and Neoma' Ravn began, almost tripping over his words, 'You were together, burning' he spluttered. Hwanwoong frowned at him and continued with his task. Clearly distraught, Ravn concluded grimly, 'I think you were in hell.' Hwanwoong merely shrugged and responded 'No doubt.' as he focused on a set of manacles to check their firmness. Astonished at his callousness Ravn reasserted with more urgency, 'You don't understand' he pleaded, 'You were dying!' 

Hwanwoong paused for a moment, 'It was just a dream' he assured, 'Stop being so hysterical.' Ravn was livid at his patronising disregard of him, 'It wasn't a dream, it was a premonition' he asserted. The image of Hwanwoong and Neoma being consumed with red orange flames licking around their bodies flooded his mind, increasing his sense of terror and urgency. Hwanwoong rolled his eyes, 'I must get fresh and neat and then locate that disobedient little bitch' he said, striding past Ravn and closing the dungeon door behind him. Ravn was outraged, how dare Hwanwoong dismiss him like this. Pacing like a caged animal, Ravns thoughts raced through his mind. 

Hwanwoong wouldn't listen to him. He was blinded by that depraved little bitch Neoma. If Hwanwoong wasn't more cautious she would lead him down the path to ruin and death. She needed to be stopped. A cat like smile replaced the fury etched on Ravns ethereally handsome face. He reminded himself that she wouldn't be around to cause him or Hwanwoong anymore grief for much longer.

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