Chapter Seven

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"Snakefur, we need two battle patrols; I also need a hunting patrol!"

"I'll go!" Crystalwhisker volunteered.

"Thank you, Crystalwhisker." Lightstar mewed. "Owltail, Greenmask, and Halfpelt, you can join her."

"Take Badgerpaw! He can track down prey in seconds!" Bluepelt chimed in.

"Very well. The rest of you, stay here to discuss battle preparations."

The four hunters hurried out of camp and Wolfpaw exchanged an apprehensive look with Falconpaw. Up in Highoaks, Lightstar and Snakefur crouched in quick discussion.

"This is so exciting!" Wolfpaw whispered.

"I hope I can remember all of my battle training!"

Falconpaw replied anxiously. Wolfpaw mrrowed in agreement.

"We've decided on battle patrols! One will be led by me and the other by Snakefur."

Lightstar announced.

"Wait, Lightstar!"

Wolfpaw twitched her tail in surprise as one of the senior warriors, Dragontail, rose to his paws.

"I don't think you should fight in this battle!"

Confused murmurs came from the listening Clan, but Lightstar raised a paw for silence.

"I will fight beside my warriors as loyally as they fight beside me."

"But-!" Dragontail started to protest, then sighed. "Fine, at least put me on your patrol, then."

"Very well."

Lightstar blinked warmly at the brown tabby and Wolfpaw remembered that they were mates. Dragontail just wanted to protect her.

"Snakefur, add Dragontail to my patrol and give out the rest of the assignments."

"Yes, Lightstar."

Snakefur dipped his head and Lightstar vanished into her den.

"Lightstar's patrol will be there to meet SecretClan at sunhigh and mine will be the second wave to reinforce. If your name isn't called, you will stay here and guard the camp."

"Tell us who's on which patrol already!"

Wolfpaw recognized Lynxpaw's impatient growl. The deputy's ear twitched, but he continued.

"On my patrol will be Greenmask, Birchpelt, Owltail, Redstorm, Shellflight, Reedshimmer, Stripepelt, Falconpaw, and Bearpaw."

Falconpaw fluffed her fur up excitedly, but Wolfpaw felt a stab of fear. What if her friend didn't come back?

No, I'll make sure she comes back.  Wolfpaw thought determinedly.

"On Lightstar's patrol will be Stormstrike, Yellowcloud, Eaglefang, Halfpelt, Dragontail, Mudspeckle, Birdmoon, Wolfpaw, and Strikepaw. Bluepelt, Lionstripe, Crystalwhisker, Lynxpaw, and Badgerpaw will guard the camp. It looks like the hunting patrol is back, so every cat get something to eat and some sleep. Big day tomorrow."

"Wolfpaw, be careful, please. I don't want to lose you."

Falconpaw murmured softly as their Clanmates gathered around the fresh-kill pile.

"I'll try, Falconpaw." Wolfpaw mewed back.

Falconpaw's deep blue eyes flashed with fear and she thrusted her muzzle into Wolfpaw's face.

"You have to come back! I thought I lost you once before, I don't want it to happen again!"

Wolfpaw backed up, startled by her friend's obvious distress.

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