Chapter Five

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Wolfpaw launched herself at her opponent, snarling. She aimed a sharp blow to the enemy's head, but the cat rolled away. She saw the paw lashing out at her leg at the last second and leapt to avoid it, landing awkwardly on top of her adversary.

The cat spat, kicking at her belly. Wolfpaw batted its ears and bared her teeth threateningly, lunging forward. When the cat flinched, Wolfpaw let out a triumphant goal and her mentor growled,

"Alright, already! Now, get off me!"

Wolfpaw stepped off Yellowcloud and let her shake the grass from her pelt.

"Well done! But remember to be ready for that foreleg attack. If you see your opponent going for that move, hook under his outstretched leg and unbalance him. You don't want him getting to your leg, otherwise you'll be fighting on three legs instead of four."

"Yes, Yellowcloud!"

"Well fought, Wolfpaw!"

Lightstar praised as she trotted into the training field with another apprentice behind her.

Wolfpaw looked up eagerly, only to feel a pang of disappointment when the apprentice was not Falconpaw.

"Birchpelt is with Birdmoon today, so I was hoping that Lynxpaw could train with you?"

Lightstar asked as the mottled brown tom sat sullenly beside her.

Wolfpaw repressed a growl. She understood that Birchpelt was worried about his mate, who had been ambushed the night before by a mysterious white rogue that had been trespassing on MemoryClan territory over the last couple moons.

But why did it have to be Lynxpaw? She thought grumpily.

From the look on Lynxpaw's face, he wasn't thrilled with the arrangement either, but Yellowcloud nodded.

"Of course, Lightstar. It'll be a good experience for Wolfpaw. I can have them spar and evaluate how both their skills are shaping up."

Lynxpaw flattened his ears and grumbled,

"Great. I'll never learn anything fighting that weakling."

Wolfpaw hissed softly. She had been training hard over the last two moons and was just as good as her annoying Clanmate, despite losing a moon of training.

"Maybe you'll learn not to judge your opponent before fighting them? Sure would hate for you to make that mistake in battle!"

She spat quietly, so only Lynxpaw would hear. His amber eyes burned with loathing, but he said nothing in response.

Lightstar's ears had pricked at Yellowcloud's suggestion and now she was saying,

"Sounds interesting. What do you say to the other apprentices and mentors joining in? This would be a great opportunity to assess all of them, including my own."

Yellowcloud managed a stricken nod of consent. Wolfpaw felt her fur rise anxiously, but she quickly forced it down. The Clan leader wanted to watch her fight!

As Lightstar started back to camp, Yellowcloud watched her nervously. Clearly she had not expected Lightstar to take such an interest in her idea.

"Don't worry, Yellowcloud!" Wolfpaw mewed, touching her muzzle to the white warrior's flank. "I'll show her what a great mentor you are by doing every move you've taught me perfectly!"

Yellowcloud purred, blinking at her dark gray apprentice warmly.


Wolfpaw turned around to see the other four apprentice haring toward them with their mentors behind them. Wolfpaw touched noses with Falconpaw and twitched her ear at Bearpaw and Badgerpaw in greeting.

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