Cursed Again!

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Hi there! It's me again, Luna Marie Raven Silvernight!

Did you miss me?

Immediately after I joined the Fellowship, we all set out from Rivendell. We walked for a few hours before reaching the charming little forest of Goruljrhtiugh. When we stopped for a break, I went and sat beside Legolas.

"Hey." I said.

" 'Sup." he said back.

As we were eating our food, I noticed Legolas was acting strangely. "What's wrong?" I asked.

Legolas seemed reluctant to speak. A slight blush decorated his cheeks. "Luna..." he finally said. "I just met you, and this is crazy, but..."

"Yes??" I asked, staring into his gorgeous blue orbs. He stared back into my purple orbs. He started to lean forward--

And suddenly, orcs!

I screamed as one of the orcs grabbed me by my long jet-black hair and started carrying me away. I completely forgot all my weapons training and lay like a limp rag-doll, weeping. "Legolas, help me!" I screamed.

Suddenly, the orc carrying me fell to the ground, taking me with it. An arrow had struck it in the back. I looked up and saw Legolas running towards me in slow motion, his shiny blond hair blowing in the wind.

He ran up to me and embraced me. "Luna, I thought I'd lost you! I would have died of grief if you had been stolen from my side!"

I hugged him back, tears still streaming from my striking purple orbs. "Th- thank you so much for saving me!" I sobbed.

"Hey! I was me who shot that arrow, not him!"

I turned around and saw a teenaged girl standing behind us. She had brown hair tied back in a braid, and was wearing a green shirt adorned with a pin with some sort of bird on it.

"Well don't just sit there beauty queen! A thank you would be nice!" she said. "Capital people..."

I suddenly remembered all my weapons training, pulled my sword out, and swung it at her, making a gash in her cheek.

"How dare you!" she snarled, but before she could get an arrow I attacked her again. "Hey freak, a little help here?!" she yelled to two men standing a few yards behind her.

The man she was yelling to, who was wearing a black coat, didn't pay her any attention. He seemed too busy inspecting his surroundings. "Fascinating..." he muttered, looking closely at a mellon tree. "John, can I use your phone?"

"I'm not getting any bloody service!" said the man next to him while tapping on a strange device I had never seen before.

I swung my sword again, knocking the brown haired girl to the ground. "You leave us alone!" I yelled and then walked back to Legolas, who was looking at me with an impressed face.

"Can I say something crazy?" he said when I reached him.

"I love crazy!" I replied.

"Will you marry me?"

"Can I say something even crazier? Yes!"


Title: The chronicles of Mary Sue by @Blackfeather69

Author's note: The following abomination isn't anything like the usual. Please note that if the author was even remotely serious, Mary Sue would have had a *cough* noble death in the first few chapters after which, the story would proceed in a more acceptable manner.

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