
71 3 0

October 26

I miss so many different things. Getting a small note from "Ambrose" scared me and confused me.

I mean, that doesn't explain anything. Just a "I will help you." What does that even mean?

I am so confused. What if this means something? What if this a trick? What am I supposed to do?

That's when a man came in. I was awake, I was scared, the door closed and I heard steps. My heart was beating fast. Then I felt the mattress sink and a hand on my face, I was frozen in fear, then he spoke "I'll take care of you." It was soft and for some reason...I hugged him and sobbed, loudly into his chest. I felt two arms around me.

"I can't help you yet, but I will, eventually, Hudson, I will save you and help you, you'll be okay, I promise."

With that, I just let him hold me as I sobbed, letting it all go. It was reliving, I found something safe and I trusted him. I just did, I felt safe around him, I felt like he was being honest and so I let it go.

"Are you...Ambrose?" I asked him. He didn't reply. I couldn't see him, I wished I knew what he looked like but it was so dark that I couldn't him. He turns of the ceiling lights when it's time for me to sleep.

We soon laid down and I felt his arms around me, holding me and I feel asleep fast. And for the first time, I didn't have a nightmare, I slept like baby. I felt warm and even somewhat loved. I know its stupid but..I feel like I need him. I wanted this momment to last forever.

The next morning, I woke up and he wasn't there.

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