23. A familiar face is always odd

Start from the beginning

I pull away. "Nice to see you too." I say out of politeness and I glance at Kyle. Why the fuck are they even here? I thought Mom and Dad went to my grandmother's last night.

"Who're you?" Kyle asks and apparently that tone is not rude, because his parents don't change their cheeky grins. I looks back at Murphy, who looks amused with the whole situation. He's leaning on the counter with his arms crossed. He pushes himself up and shrugs.

"A friend." he says and I praise him for doing so. Maybe he saw the cross around Patty's neck. They don't help the 'all catholic people are homophobic' stereotype. Kyle looks Murphy up and down.

Murphy P.O.V.

Bellamy's cousin looks nothing like him with his blonde hair, blue eyes and golden tan. He looks like his father who looks to be about ten feet tall. Patty, on the other hand looks like she could be Susan's twin. I notice Kyle, analyzing me. "Something wrong?" I ask and Bellamy nudges me, probably because I sounded a bit ruder than I should have.

Kyle shakes his head. "No, you just look like someone I know." he mumbles, narrowing his eyes, walking up to me and I take a few steps back, heading upstairs. I have no interest in- Octavia walks out of her room, but when she sees me, she runs up and hugs me.

I smile, hugging her back. "Hey," I tell her and she pulls away with a large smile, but she looks like she's been crying. I gesture downstairs. "You're Aunt and Uncle are here, so is Kyle." I tell her and she winces.

"Ew, really?" she asks and I scoff, nodding.

I grab the change on Bellamy's dresser. He won't miss it. I shove it into my back pocket. I walk back downstairs, seeing how everyone's migrated to the living room. I put on my shoes, not really caring to lace them up before walking outside, closing the door quietly. I don't need anyone to know that I'm leaving.

It's hot and the sky is very blue, which isn't common. I watch the heat waves rise from the pot-holed streets as I make my way to the 7/11. As I walk in, the bells chime and I glance at the security cameras that still haven't been fixed. Craig tenses in fear and I walk up. "Number 2." I say pulling out whatever money I have, taking a lighter. He looks reluctant to do so.

"I still have that video, and I can still show your wife." I tell him, in no mood to play around.

"I'll have you arrested." he mumbles, walking to the back, pulling out the pack and sliding it to me.

"Get some security and then we'll talk." I tell him, leaving. I pull out a cigarette-

"Hey!" I turn around at the sound of an excited female voice. I look at Raven with amusement. She hasn't ever talked to me in a kind way before.

"You coming to camp?" I give her a strange look.


"Ask Bellamy about it."


I walk in, going straight up to my room, closing the door. I pull off my shirt, looking for one that doesn't smell of smoke. I rummage through my drawer, wondering why I care so much about the one I want. The door opens and I turn around, seeing that California boy.

"Dude, ever heard of knocking?" I ask, pissed, throwing on a shirt.

"Sorry, I was told I was sleeping here tonight." he says, something sounding off in his voice. I close the drawer, grabbing my charger from the nightstand since I'm not staying here tonight, because apparently, Kyle is. "What happened?" he asks and I give him an odd look.

"What are you talking about?"

"Your body- did you get into a fight?" he asks and my jaw sets in embarrassment. I swallow hard, shoving past him.

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