"It's okay! I'm strong so it won't be any trouble." Gon replied,  tossing the stone away where it wouldn't harm anyone or get in the way.

He knelt down to observe the man. There was fake blood soaking one  pant leg and dripping from the side of his head. He assumed this meant  that he had an injured leg and received some head trauma. In that  moment, Gon though about how great it would be if Leorio had been there  to help out. He would do an amazing job at this kind of thing.

"It doesn't look like you can walk..." He began to say, finger pressed  to his mouth in consideration. The victims were still silent, some  trying to determine if the boy's strength was a part of his quirk or  just a natural phenomenon. They could deduct points for the blunt  observation, but chose to see what he would do. He was only stating a  fact anyway, letting the patient be aware of what condition they might  be in.

"I'm gonna go take the others out from the debris and I'll carry you  all to the first aid station." Gon concluded, rising to his feet and  moving to the next person.

By the time he was done, he had counted four people, two of which  were incapable of walking. One by one he moved to pick up the actors. He  hoisted the two who couldn't walk on his back to lessen jostling or  upsetting the leg injuries. The remaining two were nestled securely  under each arm, having only a sprained wrist and a potential concussion.

"Carrying all of us like this will deduct points y'know." A middle  aged man under his right arm spoke up as the boy began to jog to the  first aid station. "It's a little reckless and has a high risk of making  one of our wounds get worse."

Gon spared a glance at the man but continued moving forward. "But I  can't just leave all of you there and wait for someone. Especially if I  can just get you there faster myself."

This particular situation reminded him of the incident at the Hunters  exam with his friends and the snake charmer. It wasn't that difficult  to get everyone out of the cave then and it wasn't difficult to carry  these people now. Although, he'll admit that it's easier now that he  doesn't have to hold his breath while running with people in his arms.

"You're a strange boy." The lady said from atop his shoulders.

A bright smile adorned his face that made the rescued victims take a  moment to catch their breath. "I get that a lot." Gon replied simply.

With that, they found that there was nothing more to say. They  weren't sure who this boy was but there was a warmth about him that made  him endearing. It was difficult not to feel safe or adopt a similar  expression when that face was directed at them. The boy was a beast, but  he had the makings of a true hero.

When he arrived at his destination, he took note of the many people  laid out across a marked off space. A woman attending to the victims had  just finished speaking to Izuku, who ran off in a different direction,  before noticing him. She froze where she stood, taking in the load he  carried, before snapping out of her daze and quickly making her way up  to him.

"Let me see them." She said as she helped them down from Gon's  shoulders. He bent down to allow for easier access while helping the two  in his arms stand. She gently checked them over to see the extent of  their injuries.

"I don't really know how to tell what injuries they have, but they  can talk okay. Ah, and those two can't really walk." Gon spoke,  gesturing to the ones she helped take down from his shoulders.

"Alright, this man seems fine. Take him over there and I'll get these  three taken care of." She responded, pointing to a spot off to the  right.

Gon nodded and thanked her before taking the man to the spot the  woman directed them to. He stood a full few feet taller than the boy,  but leaned slightly against him anyways. Carefully, he set the man on  the ground and prepared to search for more people in the rubble.

Monsters are People Too (HxH/BNHA Crossover Fic)Where stories live. Discover now