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The room was so silent one could hear a pin drop. The tension in the  air was thick and heavy as the two sat facing each other. Gon sat on the  couch facing opposite Principal Nezu, both of them holding a steaming  cup of tea in there hands. The boy didn't understand why he was here  when he hadn't done anything wrong.

After Aizawa told Gon to leave the gym he made it to as far as the  classroom before someone came and directed him to a room where Nezu was  waiting for him. When a minute passed with nothing but the sound of a  ticking clock and Nezu's unblinking gaze, the boy decided to speak up.

"Um... principal Nezu, why am I here?" He asked with the tone of  someone who had been wronged. And he genuinely believed that he was.

"I heard about what happened in training today." The creature  responded, not answering the boy's question. "Right after Recovery Girl  confirmed that you were quirkless, too."

Gon grumbled, staring into the cup of untouched liquid that reflected  his frustrated expression. His brain replayed the scene where he was  given permission to use his ability and doing nothing more than punching  a stone wall. It couldn't be that they were mad over the crack his  punch created considering the other students had been smashing up parts  of the stone structure themselves. So why was he in trouble already?  Nezu observed the boy's reaction and took a sip from his own cup.

"This is unfair!" Gon suddenly yelled. "Everyone wants me to do this  and that ever since I woke up, and you all talk about these things I  don't understand like I'm just supposed to get it! But I don't!" He  huffed, fingers pressed tightly against the ceramic and causing a tiny  crack to form.

"I know. It has come to my attention that we really haven't thought about what you may be going through since arriving here." Nezu  put down his cup of tea and kept his beady eyes on the boy as he spoke.  "After being informed about what happened today, I figured it would be  good to sit down and talk."

The tension in Gon's shoulder's eased and he leaned back a bit,  expression softening. "So... I'm not in trouble?" He asked cautiously.

"No, you're not in trouble. I just got to thinking about how we really don't know anything about you... So, how about you tell me all about this place you come from, and we can go from there." He suggested lightly.

The boy's eyes lit up, a twinkling light within blazing amber, and he  sat up straight on the couch. The eagerness was plain on his face.  "Okay!" Gon replied.

The next few hours were spent with Nezu listening intently to Gon's  story. He made excitable gestures with his hands and the gleaming grin  never once slipped from his face as he spoke. He talked about Whale  Island and his Aunt Mito, about his father and the hunter exam. He  explained each of his adventures after earning his Hunter's license,  from Heaven's Arena to the NGL and the Chimera Ants. Only when  reminiscing about Kite and his battle against Pitou did his tone and  expression falter, but it was short lived when he spoke about Killua and  his sister. He omitted parts here and there that he deemed not worth  mentioning or were too personal to be shared.

Every word that came from his mouth was full of excitement, pride,  and fondness. With every little detail and the way he delivered his  story, there was no doubt in Nezu's mind that boy was being completely  honest. Unfortunately, that was the frightening part. It was extremely  hard for Nezu to believe everything at first, but the more he said the  more uneasy he got.

He had believed his feeling of uncertainty toward the boy in the  beginning had been a false alarm, but it was justified now. This boy had  seen death and killed with his own two hands, which was more than any  hero he'd ever come across. He'd encountered people stronger than Nezu  could have ever imagined, and survived while even befriending some of  them. By the time Gon finished telling his tale with a glittering  expression, the creature had a cold sweat on his back. Gon was not a  normal kid. He was a monster.

Monsters are People Too (HxH/BNHA Crossover Fic)Where stories live. Discover now