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As the students spread out and began the final part of the exam, Gon  stuck close to a small group of classmates. Unlike the first half, he  wasn't sure how to carry out a large scale rescue mission like this one.  The last time he had been expected to carry out a rescue it hadn't  ended too well because his priorities weren't really in order.

The boy shook his head, shaking off the thoughts he wasn't interested  in revisiting. The few teens he followed paused somewhere up ahead and  seemed to be facing something within the rubble. Upon catching up, he  noticed Izuku receiving a lecture from one of the HUC actors. It was a  funny sigh to see such a small person, with blood leaking from their  forehead, yelling at a much taller teenager, who was fidgeting anxiously  and attempting to correct their original approach.

When the pseudo victim appeared to be satisfied with his performance,  he began to cry and beg for help. Izuku lifted the boy from the rubble  and let the others know that he was taking the victim to a first aid  station. Hearing this, Gon's eyes widened slightly in realization.

"So I just need to carry people to safety?" He muttered to himself.  Jirou, who was positioned somewhere in the back of the pack with him,  caught what he said and turned to face him.

"Well, there's a bit more to it than that. But I guess that's the general idea." She replied.

The boy bounced on his toes, allowing his gaze to sweep across the  ruins of buildings that had been standing tall and proud only minutes  ago. "Okay! I'm gonna go and find some people to take to the first aid  station too."

"Wouldn't it be easier to stick with us and work together?" Jirou  inquired, somewhat unsure about letting their newest classmate wander  off on his own.

"I guess, but I feel like it would be more fun if I went off on my  own. It'd be more of a challenge that way." Gon answered, and with that  he took off in another direction.

Jirou watched him go with an awestruck expression. She didn't quite  understand what motivated him nor why he seemed so keen on making the  test more difficult for himself. Although, with the pure light radiating  off his face as he turned to leave, she couldn't find it within her to  feel bothered. There was a confidence there she wasn't expecting, but it  felt wrong to question it so she let him go.

Once Gon had gotten a good distance away from his classmates, he  stopped running, knowing that he was far enough that he wouldn't get the  victims confused with the students. The presence of too many people in  one area made it more complicated to pick out who was who. Allowing his  eyes to slide shut, he focused his senses on locating anyone nearby.

Taking a deep breath, the boy paused and listened closely as a  plethora of sounds drifted by. A high whine and dull coughing caught his  attention, his head turning sharply to face the location where the  sound came from. He could sense the presence of quite a few people off  in that direction and decided to check it out.

Gon ran to where he sensed the people and was surprised to see quite a  few injured victims half buried under the rubble. It seemed like he was  the only one who had heard their cries for help and was alone in taking  care of them. His gaze hardened with determination as he calmly  approached the group.

"Hey! I'm here to help!" Gon called out, jogging up to the nearest  person who was pinned to the ground by a giant stone that covered the  entire lower half of his body. "Don't worry, I'll get you all out  safely."

As the boy leaned down to pull the man out from the debris, a voice  shouted from somewhere behind him. "You can't possibly get all of us out  by yourself!"

Gripping the slab of stone and heaving it off the man, effortlessly  holding it high above his head, Gon looked over at the victim who spoke.  An older woman was gaping at him as well as the other three people  feigning injury. The elderly man beneath him that was just freed from  the rubble was also staring at the boy with wide, bewildered eyes.

Monsters are People Too (HxH/BNHA Crossover Fic)Where stories live. Discover now