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Gon was seated on one of the chairs pulled up to a kitchen table, his legs dangling off the side and not quite touching the ground. He was in, what he was told, the UA dorm building where the students stay. Aizawa had him sit on the chair and told him not to move while he left to quickly go do something.

The general area was empty and it was only Gon in the silent space. His head swiveled around, eyes surveying his surroundings. It was a neat and open place where he could see into the lounge, and he debated over whether or not he should migrate over to the couch. He probably wouldn't get in trouble for only moving a little bit right? Not that he was complaining of course, but the couch looked more comfortable than the hard kitchen chair.

Seeing as there was no harm in changing seats he hopped off the chair, bounced over to the couch, and sunk into the soft cushions, releasing a big sigh as he did so. He'd been tugged this way and that all day and although half of him had boundless energy, the other half was overdue for a break.

Just as he settled into place, he heard the click of a door and his head whipped around to find the source. His warm, honey brown eyes and spiky green hair peeked over the back of the couch, staring intently at the front door as someone walked in. A girl completely colored in pink entered the room. Her hair was fluffy, like a friend of his, and there were horns protruding from the tufts of pink. He gazed at the horns and the strange discoloration of her eyes with great interest.

She turned her head and noticed the green, gravity defying hair sticking up from behind the couch and made eye contact with the boy. Within a second, her excitement burst to the surface and she rushed over to him, leaning over the couch to get a good look at the new kid.

"Hey! You're the kid from this morning, right? I'm Mina Ashido, it's nice to meet you!" She said in a cheery voice. Her sudden enthusiasm and closeness startled him and he unconsciously leaned back a bit.

"I'm Gon. You're one of the kids from the 1A class right?" He asked, quickly adapting to her bubbly personality.

"Yup! I wanted to talk to you earlier but you already left with Aizawa." She rambled on, observing the boyish features on his face. She wanted to know about his age but didn't want to ask in case she accidentally offended him. "So what brings you to UA?"

"Ah, about that... I don't really know... " He started. Mina raised a brow in confusion after hearing that.

Before he could continue to finish what he was saying, more people flooded into the room and pulled their attention away from the conversation. The entire area was full of bustling chatter as students entered and walked about. A blonde boy with a black streak of what was shaped like a lightning bolt in his hair, turned to see the two over by the couch and lit up with surprise.

"Hey! It's the little guy from earlier!" He spoke, catching everyone's attention. Gon suddenly found a multitude of eyes on him and gulped, beginning to feel fairly nervous.

In the blink of an eye he was once again overwhelmed by voices and people. Unsure about what was so exciting about his arrival, he only looked at the plethora of smiling faces and curious gazes. His head felt like it was spinning and his ears tuned out the noise as he tried to process what was going on around him. Soon after he started getting bombarded with questions and a familiar voice spoke up over the noise.

"Again, please do not surround the boy! It's rude and disrespectful!" The one from before, Ida, lectured the group just like he had in the classroom. The students realized they must be making the boy uncomfortable so they backed down, but still stood around him, interested in meeting this strange new kid. Gon was quietly grateful for the intervention. He wasn't the best at handling large crowds.

Monsters are People Too (HxH/BNHA Crossover Fic)Where stories live. Discover now