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Gon had only been here for a short period of time, but he understood this much; hunters and heroes were two entirely different breeds of people.

Due to some unfortunate and confusing circumstances, he was seated in a classroom full of strange teenagers being lectured by a strange man who looked very sleep deprived. Although he wasn't able to comprehend anything that was written on the blackboard, he could at least understand what the teacher in the dark get-up was saying.

The man, Mr. Aizawa was his name, was talking about something called 'hero training'. Steam spiraled from his ears as his brain overloaded with information. From the moment he woke up to the place he found himself now, everything had moved too fast with little time for the boy to process anything.

Barely a few hours ago Gon had woken up in a room, which he would later find out was the nurse's office. While he attempted to discern where he was, he saw a short, elderly woman talking to Aizawa. When they realized that he was awake, they spent some time afterwards asking him questions and trying to get a better understanding of his situation. They reached the conclusion that he was a confused amnesiac who would need to be watched by one of the staff members until they could figure  out what to do with him.

The reason they reached this decision was because, when asked, Gon revealed that he had no clue how the hero system worked, what heroes  even were, what country they were in, what culture they had, nor did he  know what quirks were. Worst of all, even though he could speak and  understand the words spoken to him, he could not fathom the writing  system whatsoever.

At first they didn't believe him when he tried to explain where he  was from, especially when he went on to explain where Whale Island was  and the map of where, apparently, his world was. The more he talked, the  more the two adults couldn't tell if he was a pathological liar, or a  confused amnesiac. They went with the latter. Because Gon didn't know  what a quirk was, they weren't entirely sure if he even had one. This  meant there was a chance he could awaken his quirk on accident and  potentially hurt himself and those around him if he didn't know how to  properly control it.

So they opted to let him stay in a more isolated part of the dorms  where Aizawa could keep a close eye on the boy. He had yet to speak to  the principle as well, but the adults were a bit too rushed at the  moment to make any final plans. As a result, Aizawa decided to let him  sit in on his last class of the day before taking him to see the  principal and figure out what to do with him from there.

Gon was not used to being dragged around like he currently was, and  it upset him a little. Normally he'd get grumpy and get someone to  explain, but this time he figured he'd just go with the flow until he  could get his bearings.

As the boy stared at the blackboard, amber eyes narrowed and glowing  with resolve, he failed to notice the frequent glances being sent toward  him by the curious students in the room. Some whispers would erupt from  different spots in the room, causing Aizawa to glare in that direction.  The group of students were very interested in the new boy who had  mysteriously appeared to sit in on their class for the day. Especially  because Aizawa hadn't said much except that he would be spending the  class period with them, not even bothering to introduce him.

Eventually the teacher finished his long lecture and dismissed the  class for the day. He planned on calling out to Gon as soon as the class  was over, but was cut off as the boy was instantly surrounded by the  students. He smiled nervously and sweat dropped, both of his hands held  up in awkward defense and the teenagers crowded around him like moths  drawn to a burning flame. Their chatter blurred and overlapped as they  all spoke at the same time. Gon, who was unable to keep up with what was  being said to him, just sat there.

Monsters are People Too (HxH/BNHA Crossover Fic)Where stories live. Discover now