I sat up and looked at him. I could tell he was a little sad which is somewhat my fault. I hugged him and this time he didn't look at me funny. He instantly wrapped his arms around me and embraced the hug.

"You finally hugged me back," I smiled.
"These ineffective human attacks feel nice when I'm sad," Bill muttered.
"I think ineffective human attacks feel nice either way," I muttered.

Bill looked at me and I felt his hand on the back of my head. I nuzzled my head into his neck.

"That tickles," Bill chuckled.
I have an idea, "Are you ticklish?"
"Why do I feel as if I answer something will happen either way," Bill was 100% right.

I started to test my theory that he was ticklish. I started to tickle him and he started to laugh.

"Sapling!" Bill laughed, "S-Stop!"
"Now this is a human attack that is effective at times," I chuckled.

All of a sudden Bill pinned me to the pin and I stared at him in surprise. I didn't think about this because he is stronger than me.

"Oh no," I muttered.
"I got you now," Bill smirked.
"Please, don't tickle," I said.
"Give me a reason not to since I was harassed," Bill asked me.
I smiled awkwardly, "Because I'm your friend."
Bill looked at me and then smiled, "I guess we are."
"Bitch, I hope we are," I can't believe I said that.

Bill and I laughed. All of a sudden we heard the door open and we both looked at the door. We both saw Mabel. She was just staring at us and then we both looked at each other.

Bill quickly went off me and I looked at Mabel with, "Please don't tell" eyes.

"Should I just leave?" Mabel asked.

"I-I should leave," Bill muttered.

He didn't know that Mabel would be trustworthy. Since they've never meant this was normal, but they needed to meet anyway.

"No, no one is leaving, " I said, "Close the door please."

Mabel closed the door and locked it. Mabel looked at Bill while he looked at me.

"What is happening here?" Mabel asked.
"I should really go," Bill said, "What if they show up."
"They're not," I told him, "I promise."
"Promise me, you won't tell a soul about this," I begged Mabel, "I mean you can't tell anyone."
"I won't tell anyone," Mabel told me, "You still haven't told mom about the..."
"Nope," I said.
"Alright, so still going to explain?" Mabel asked.
Bill whispered in my ear, "Are you sure? It's already dangerous enough that you know about me and you see me often."
"I trust her with my life and you don't have to worry about a thing," I smiled at him.

I made room for Mabel on the bed and she sat down.  I could tell Bill still wasn't sure about this and I do understand why he's so worried about Mabel knowing. It's bad that I know about him and that he sometimes hangs out with me in my room.

Having Mabel accidentally open the door does make me realize that we have to be more careful. I mean... what if that was Ford. Bill would have been dead and I would be in massive trouble.

With Mabel knowing I don't have to worry that much about keeping him a secret. They were supposed to meet at some point so why not now?

"This is Bill and he's a demon that's been here since the earth," I introduced him, "Bill, this is Mabel. My twin sister and she's been involved in figuring out about this place."
"I've seen her before... you kicked gleeful in the dick," Bill muttered.
"I warned him," Mabel said, "I still don't feel bad about it."
"You shouldn't," Bill told her, "He decided to steal from a mother."
"He gets it," Mabel smiled.
"Bill has been here since the earth was first made, but this is the first time being human. He's never been a human and he's our age," I explained.
"How is he our age but the same time been here since the earth was first created?" Mabel asked.
"I accidentally brought him back to life. He told me that another creature told him that he would be the same age as the person who brought him back," I told Mabel.
"So, we have a demon that's been here since with that is our age in Gravity fall," Mabel said.
"Yes," I answered.
"I'm going to assume that this is the same Bill from the book that was eaten by bugs," Mabel pointed out, "With all the warns saying not to trust, not to summon, and how to kill in many ways."
"Yes," I smiled.
"I only assume because he has that same mark in that drawing," Mabel said.
"Yeah, he's also been answering questions I've had about the town and area. He's been super helpful and nice," I told her, "He also has powers and he can teleport. That's how I got home so fast when the whole thing happened."
"That explains why you got home so fast," Mabel said.
"Um... please, don't tell Sixer and Fez that I'm alive," Bill said, "I kinda want to live."
"Sixer and Fez?" Mabel questioned.
"Ford and Stan," I answered.
"I have a question for you Bill," Mabel looked at him.
"Yes?" Bill muttered.
"Have you've been in town?" Mabel asked.
"I've been into town that's how I borrowed the clothes I have," Bill answered.
"None of them have recognized you? I mean Gideon has made it clear that everyone should hate you in town," Mabel said, "Wouldn't that mean that people should know your voice."
"Mabel, I swear if this is the theory that Ford erased everyone's memory," I sighed.
"He has the power to do that," Bill answered, "He had a device that can clear any memory."
"My theory is possible!" Mabel was way too happy about this.
"It is possible since everyone trusted him and wouldn't question him. So, if Mabel's theory is correct they would gladly agree and then never remember anything about the missing memory," Bill explained further, "Why would you question someone you trust?"
"Hehe, my theory is possible," Mabel is giving me a gremlin vibe now.
"Why did you conform that her theory is possible," I looked at Bill.
"You told me to be honest," Bill looked at me.
"That's true," I muttered, "So... you're not going to tell?"
"Nah, plus he's the only one that's been completely honest about this whole town since we've been here. Stan answer some of my questions but not all of them. Ford, is ignoring me ever since the egg thing and exposing his whole thing. Gideon is a dick, Candy and Grenda are saying that they're trying to protect me by not saying anything, Pacifica is a mixed bag. She tells me answers straight forewarn but she worries I might be doing stupid things but at the same time she doesn't know a lot," Mabel said, "Should I be worried about him bro? You've known him longer."

I looked at Bill and smiled. He looked at me and smiled back.

"Guess who has another friend," I smiled.
"I guess I do," Bill muttered.
"Secret friends," Mabel smiled.

We all talked some more. I could tell Bill started to become more comfortable with Mabel. I trust Mabel with my whole heart that she won't tell. I'm glad I don't have to keep him a secret from her anymore.

I still have another secret that they both don't know about yet...

A Summer that I won't forgetWhere stories live. Discover now