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Pov Dipper

"Dipper!" I heard Mabel yell.

I yawned as I heard Mabel shout behind my door. I wonder what she wants or what she needs to tell me? I stepped out of my bed and stretched before looking in the mirror.

I noticed that my charm was back on. So, meeting that random blonde freckled demon wasn't some weird dream. Still can't believe he caused the plague, but someone did wish for it so it wasn't his fault. Weird, but kinda cool.

I wonder if I should still tell Ford about the journal? About his journal and how I hid it and how it was eaten by bugs. I would get in so much trouble... What if I staged it! I place it on the bookshelf downstairs and tell him that I found a few torn books that I was going to throw away.

Then he magically finds it and I'm off the hook! Yes. That's going to work.

"Dipper? Are you still asleep?" Mabel finally knocked.
"I-I'm coming!" I said while going to the door, "Sorry Mabel."

I opened the door and Mabel was still in her pajamas and her slippers. I thought she would be changed if she was coming to my room.

"Hey, Mabel, what's up?" I asked.
Mabel looked both ways and then shoved me inside my room, "I found something!"
"You don't have to push me in," I told her.
"Well, Grunkle Stan and Ford are still sleeping," Mabel started to explain, "I can tell you since they're asleep."
"You were loud when you yelled my name and they're probably awake," I told her.
"Their old and probably didn't hear," Mabel told me, "Their both heavy sleepers as well."

I sat down on the bed and Mabel joined me.

"I've been keeping something a secret," Mabel told me.
"What is it?" I asked.
"I forgot when I found this but I found it. When I was playing around with the vending machine and I started to press random buttons. I pressed the buttons in a certain order and you can't believe what I discovered," Mabel said.
"Another way to cheat your way into getting a free snack?" I asked.
"Yes, but no," Mabel told me, "I played with different button patterns and one of them was that, but that's not what I found out."
"Then what was it?" I asked Mabel.
"I found a secret lab," Mabel whispered to me, "But it's not Ford's lab that he showed us. It's this different one and it's really big!"
"Another lab? It's an underground secret lab," I muttered.
"Ford, has two labs! There's more to him then we think and maybe Grunkle Stan knows as well. Once I was walking pass that same vending machine and when I looked back he was gone," Mabel pointed out, "I feel like they're hiding something important."
"The journals, the letter, that weird and dangerous weapon that Gideon had," I started to list everything, "These are proof! Ford's and Stan's picked us approved friends. They all must know something right?"
"Maybe, but I remember asking one of the regular folk about unicorns and they had no idea what I was talking about... they told me it was make believe," Mabel explained, "But Candy, Grenda, Pacifica, and Gideon told me that they were dicks."
"They all know something that we don't and that they don't want us to find out," I muttered.
"Exactly! That secret lab must be full of information about this place," Mabel said, "We just need to sneak in."  
"How? That place could be trapped!" I told her, "He probably has cameras."  
"Why would he have cameras to a place where he doesn't want anyone to know about? What if we accidentally found the camera's and that would screw him over. It has to be a secret." Mabel said.
"It's probably booby trapped," I told her.
"That's why we need to figure out how to get in and not get caught," Mabel pointed out, "We need to go in when Ford and Stan are in town for hours."
"What if they come back earlier?" I asked Mabel.
"I haven't thought about it like that but we can figure out something right?" Mabel smiled at me.
"We can," I said.
"Why doesn't the towns people know about the unicorns?" Mabel muttered.
"Maybe they were brainwashed to forget all the creatures? That's why they freaked out about the monster bear." I muttered.
"Or maybe they weren't too involved into what Ford and Stan were doing... most of the towns people don't know much," Mabel told me, "They're pretty stupid."
"The brainwash thing is too much?" I asked her.
"A little," Mabel muttered.
"Why would Gideon, Grenda, Candy, and Pacifica be involved with Stan and Ford?" I asked Mabel.
"Gideon and Pacifica do have money... maybe there funding something for them," Mabel guessed.
"Candy and Grenda?" I questioned.
"Candy really smart too and Grenda is strong," Mabel had no clue either, "Or maybe it's something else?"
"Spies?" I suggested.
"Maybe..." Mabel muttered, "Is that our final answer?"
"Yeah," I told her, "There secret spies doing something."
"I like that answer," Mabel smiled.
"Mabel... do you think Ford likes me?" I asked her.
"Why'd you ask?" Mabel questioned.
"I don't know... after he found out about my journal he hasn't talked to me that much," I explained.
"I mean... maybe he's just a little jealous cause there's another smarty pants in this town," Mabel told me.
"Maybe..." I muttered.
"Ford, is probably just a little tense from that attack," Mabel told me, "I mean maybe he's used to being the town savior and doesn't want to let that go."
"His ego shouldn't be that big for that," I muttered.
"I know  it shouldn't," Mabel said.

Mabel looked at the floor and then looked at me.

"Is the journal Okay?" Mabel asked.
"Bugs are the pages and I don't know what to do," I whispered to her.
"We'll throw it under the bookshelf downstairs and say that I drop my ring and we magically found it," Mabel told me.
"That's sounds like a way better idea than what I had planned," I mumbled.
"Do you wanna go make pancakes?" Mabel asked me.
"Sure," I smiled.

We both went downstairs and started to make  breakfast for ourselves.

A Summer that I won't forgetजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें