Chapter 26

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Gyuri's POV

I scrolled through twitter as I wait for Eunha to finish cleaning the shop. "Let's go" Eunha said. I nodded and we both walked inside the house. Mrs. Lee waved at us and told us to eat dinner. I thanked her and sat with her. Eunha sat beside me. 

"How's your school these days Gyuri" Mrs. Lee asked.  "it's been doing well" I said to her. "After this school year, is it ok if I transfer Eunha to your school?" She asked. I nodded at her happily. I would love to have Eunha as my new classmate. I looked at Eunha who's looking at me with a wide smile. 

We talked for a while and shared laughs together during dinner. Me and Eunha we're cleaning the dishes. "How's Ni-ki?" She asked. "He's been sending me pics and I am spoiled on their upcoming album" I laughed. 

"Lucky you" She pouted. "Jungwon is just one chat away Eunha" I told her. She glared at me making me laugh. "Aren't you two talking?" I asked her. She shake her head. "We mostly talk on personal" She said. I just nodded at her. "how sad" I mumbled.


I was about to lay down as my phone vibrated. I opened it and smiled at the message.

Ni-ki :3


Ni-ki :3
Look outside


Ni-ki :3
Just look outside

Gyuri got up on her bed and looked on her window to see snow. She smiled at what she saw. It's her first time to see snow with someone asking her to look at it.

She felt her phone vibrate making her grab it and answer the call. "Did you see it?" Ni-ki asked. "I did" Gyuri said smiling.

"Remember the time you want to see snow with someone since you always look at it alone" Ni-ki said. She nodded and hummed in response as she remember the last time we talked about what we want to do in the future.

"Go outside, don't forget to wear a Coat so you won't get cold" Ni-ki said. "Huh? Why?" She asked confused. "Just do it" He said. She just shrugged the confusion away and grabbed a coat before going outside.

gyuri saw Eunha smirking while wearing her coat. "Oh?" Guuri asked confused. "Let's go?" She chuckled. gyuri smiled at her and nodded before going outside.
They smiled widely as they saw the snow. "WOAH!" They both said in awe. "Hey" The two turned around in shock to see Ni-ki standimg with mask and cap on his face. Gyuri's eyes widened in shock.


It's been a while right? Sorry for not updating, been busy with fam and my art commissions. And also with games :<

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