Chapter 5

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Gyuri's POV

"Gyurii!~" I turned to see Eunha. I smiled and waved at her. "I didn't know you were just a part timer" She pouted "Why?" I chuckled. "I was looking forward to see you here yesterday but I didn't" She sighed. I forgot she's just a new employee. "You're a new employee?" I asked. She shakes her head.

"I'm the owner's daughter. My mom told me to help here everyday after school" She said. "suddenly?" I asked. She nodded. "I was bored at home and got nothing to do. My mom noticed it so she asked me to help here." She said. "oooohh" I stated.

"ah! Do you stan any kpop???" She asked. I nodded. "I stan a lot but I have 2 main groups" I said. "oh oh oh! Spill!~" She stated. "first, I gotta work" I said to her as I walk inside the staff room. She nodded. I wore the apron and walked out. 


I flopped on one of the couches in the cafe. "How was test? I heard from my mom that you had test this week" Eunha said as she sat beside me. "It was eh. I don't really care about it since I don't have a dream" I said shrugging. "How about become a full time employee here????" She asked as she leaned to me.

"I don't think your mom will agree to it" I chuckle. "But why do you not have a dream though?" She asked. "I don't know, I give up on it long time ago" I said to her. "Eh? Why??" She asked. I just shrugged. "Well I understand if you don't wanna tell me about it but tell me when you can!" She said and was about to leave.

"Wait I forgot to ask for your number so we can talk sometimes" I said to her. "Oh yeah!~ Sure sure" She said as she gave me her number.

Ni-ki's POV

I sat down looking at my phone. "It's been a whole day and she didn't talk to me" I mumbled to myself. "What's with the long face?" Jay asked as he sat beside me. "Guriri hasn't messaged me" I said. "oh? You've grown attach to her?" Jay asked.

"I don't know but I love listening to her stories" I said. "Oh?" He said shocked. "I also found out that she's Sunoo hyung's classmate" I said. "My classmate?" Sunoo popped out of nowhere. I nodded. "Oh? I wonder which one" He said. "Gyuri?" I stated. "Doesn't ring a bell" He said shrugging. "eeeehh?! You don't know she was your classmate" I asked shocked. He nodded. I then felt my phone vibrate. I quickly grabbed it.

Guess what!


I found out Eunha's also a fan of ENHYPEN!
Her bias is Jungwon! awegxexgxerrxfe

That's cool ig?
Oh yeah are you not lying that you're Sunoo's Classmate???

"Yah! Why did you ask that!" Sunoo exclaimed. "Why are you eveasdropping hyung!" I asked him. "I wanna know if she's really my classmate." Sunoo said.

Yap! For sure he doesn't know me considering I'm a quiet student
There's some gyuri in the school too
But I'm Kang gyuri! :>

"Kang gyuri... Oh! The girl who never talks! And is always quiet! I know now" Sunoo said. "She doesn't have friends to be honest" Sunoo said. "Befriend her hyung!" I said to him. "So she wont feel lonely" I said to him.

"aaww~ Ni-ki's worried about her" Jay coo'ed. "worried my ass" I said glaring at him.

Stranger || Ni-ki ffOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz