"Ok, lets see this evidence that you were there at the time."

I pulled out my phone to send them the video, to be honest it was awkward because unlike Sakura's picture which was an SD card you could plug in they had to give me an email address to send it to. The entire process really broke up the pace of the trial, I was able to calm down.

The video started playing and it showed some underclassmen having a scrimmage, towards the end it also showed Sudo and the thee other walking away, it looked pretty clear that they were leading him somewhere.

Not missing a beat Horikita picked up on it too.

"You can even see in this video that Kondo-kun seems to be leading Sudo-kun somewhere, I think this proves that Alex-kun told the truth."

The student council president agreed.

"I agree that this shows that the Class C students lead Sudo-kun somewhere, thank you for testifying to what you saw. You are now excused, you did well."

While I was getting up Horikita from my class interrupted.


The president seemed confused.

"Is there something you need to witness for, he testified and proved on everything he knows, what else is his relevance to the case."

Horikita looked towards class C, I was actually happy about what she was doing, it is kind of petty but I like it.

"I want Sakagami-sensei to apologize for how he verbally abused Alex-kun, he suffers from social anxiety disorder which makes him fear being watched and judged by others. Unknowingly or not Sakagami-sensei obviously caused Alex-kun a large amount of emotional stress, we all saw him shaking and sweating in the care. I think it is only right."

The student council president seemed to ponder this for a moment.

"Chabashira-sensei is that true, does Alex-kun suffer from such a disorder?"

To be honest I have no clue what my file says in this world so I wouldn't proclaim I had any disorder but Horikita is free to do so if she wants, along with my expectations Chabashira sensei responded in the affirmative.

"Yes, in his file it says he was diagnosed with that disorder in middle school. I would also like to see Sakagami-sensei for putting my student in a spot like that."

The president seemed satisfied with her response.

"I also agree with the Class D representative and teacher, if we set a precedent of intimidating witnesses next time someone like Alex-kun might not step forward to tell us what really happened."

Clearly annoyed Sakagami-sensei gave me a slight bow and replied.

"I apologize Alex-kun, I was unaware you had a contention like that. I am sorry if I caused you any undue mental stress."

I just replied to him quickly.

"It is alright sensei; I understand stuff can get pretty heated when it comes to class versus class incidents. It only makes sense the teachers would be passionate to get the bonus for graduating from Class A."

After I said that I left without saying anything, nobody said anything, after I left that accusation that said that Sakagami-sensei was willing to act against the well being of students for money sat in the air.

It is completely unfounded and I have no proof, but I am no longer a part of the trial since my part is done. Now all the people in that room will see him at least partially like that, whether it is true or not but if I had to guess I would say he is willing to bend some rules for his students.

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