Chapter 13

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(Name) skipped around the town, looking at the stalls selling the most random things combined. She suddenly heard something that peeked her interest. "Wine!! The cheapest and best wine you'll ever find here!!" Flinching, she shakily turned to the source of the sound, staring directly at the wines.

"Oh... I-I mean, no one's here to stop me..I'll just steal it and take a teensy bit of sip, r-right, okay!" Hiding her presence, she dashed towards the stall. She was crouching right behind the stalls where the bottles of wine were sitting at. The man selling them was right next to her, but he never once looked her way as he was too busy advertising, also because she had her presence hid.

(Name) smirked smugly, quickly taking one of the bottles amd dashing out of there, she went to a quiet alley with nobody hanging around there. She leaned against he wall and looked at the wine, her hand shakily and slowly going to the bottle's cap. '...Maybe I shouldn't.. nO! Just a sip is okay!'

She took of the cap, lifting the bottle higher, about to drink it when the memory of her and the members promising to drink wine together when she got older flashed through her mind. She stopped her movements. Her hand going back down, as she stared at the wine in a confused manner.

She bit her lip, squinting her pair of eyes until she let out a breath she was holding and put the cap back on, sighing. She scoffed irritatedly, "Hmph, stupid promise.." -And put the bottle of wine down on the ground and walked away from the alley.

(Name) inserted her gloved hands in her pockets and walked around the town. 'What should I do? The spiders are all doing their own things, Ion wanna interrupt them..' (Name) jumped on the roofs of the buildings with ease. It was around the afternoon, however, the sky didn't seem to be getting darker.

It was shining at the people on the ground, shining a purple-ish color at (Name). The stars too, gathered together making the night brighter than usual. (Name) felt as though she had seen this pretty sky before. It was extremely familliar to her (e/c) pair of eyes.

She thought maybe she had just seen this before and forgot for some unknown reason. She felt a pang in her chest, she didn't know why. A forgotten familiar image flashed in front of her, she heard a girl giggling next to her as they both looked at the same pretty sky together. Her eyes widened at the strange memory.

She didn't know who that girl was, nor why they were looking at the sky together. All her friends left her when she trusted them enough to tell that she was apart of the Phantom Troupe, some left her after they found out of her weird dangerous hobbies too, well she did sort of make new friends at the Hunter Exam. But she didn't tell them about her being in the Troupe, and there's no telling they won't leave her after they knew the truth.

And from what she knew, she never met anyone who looked like the girl in the short memory that she saw, yet she couldn't help but feel a sense of familiarity when she thought of the girl. It was extremely confusing. A forgotten memory, perhaps? The girl in her memory looked like she could be around 4-6 years old, and she didn't remember anything of what she'd done when she was around that age.

She thought it was normal though, many people do not remember much of when they were little. She wondered if something had happened before that made her forget that girl. Everyone often forgets their childhood friends though, so maybe she was overreacting.

But the dream she had when she was at the Hunters Exam, the girl looked extremely alike the girl in her dream. Kumi, was her name. The man she did not remember the face of was the one that killed her. Also, the incident where her target she tortured at the Island, his face morphed to a face of a man she did not know of, the second she saw the man though, she felt a great sense of hatred surge into her body.

And the last phase where the ninja guy broke Gon's bone, the two of them morphed into two completely different people but in the same position. Was it wrong for (Name) to be confused at first at the strange occurences and brush it off later because she thought it was nothing? Perhaps so.

Maybe those strange things were connected to the memory she saw where she was giggling with a childhood friend of hers. It was hard to try and connect all of these occurences and think of what may had happened in the past that made her feel that way when she saw that man.

'My target's face that morphed into that man's face. Okay, so that man, was the one who killed "Kumi" in my dream, the vision of the same(?) man who broke a child's bone that triggered when ninja guy broke Gon's bone, and also the latest memory that triggered when I saw the same pretty sky I saw when I was a child.' (Name) looked at the floor of the roof she was hanging around on, her lips were pressed into a thin line.

It all connects, (Name) knew that but she still couldn't figure out what exactly happened. She had never really wonder about this before, but now she was. She knew how before she met the Phantom Troupe, she was living on the streets, then Chrollo and the spiders took her in and treated her nicely.

But had she always been living on the streets? From what she briefly remember, no. She was living on the streets only for a few days with no proper food or drinks, she was as good as dead if Chrollo never took her in and instead he ignored her. But there were a chance she had always been living on the streets too and these memories that had been appearing were just made up for an unknown reason.

But that wouldn't make much sense, would it? The face of that man that made her want to wipe out the entire human society living on earth.. If all those memories were fake, why did she feel great hatred for the face of the man that felt so familliar to her? (Name) felt impatient, she wanted to figure this entire thing out but she couldn't.

It was like this whole thing was a puzzle, except she hadn't figure out where the duck were the puzzle pieces that was supposed to be placed on the missing spots. Yes, this whole thing was a puzzle. She just had to be patient and try her best to find those missing puzzle pieces without giving up. She wanted to know.

Sure, maybe she was better off not knowing a thing about her past, sure, once she knew, nothing will probably change, but she had always felt as if she was missing something, she couldn't explain the feeling a little more but she felt as though something was missing. She wanted to fill that empty spot with something, she didn't wanna feel like this for her entire life.

Even though she was already happy with her current self with the Troupe, she still wanted to fill that missing spot. She will figure her past out. It didn't matter if she was the only one that had to figure it out, it didn't matter if she had to do it all by herself. She needed to know. Maybe something will change, maybe the hatred that broke into her everytime something got triggered will go away that way.

And maybe she could avenge this Kumi aswell if that man really did kill someone who might be a person she truly adores and love.




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