Chapter 12

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"I got the license!" (Name) bursted into the spiders base, her hands all the way up in the air holding her hunter license with a grin on her face. Shalnark looked at her gasping in suprise and clapping excitedly for her, smiling in delight. "Whoaa!! We're basically twins now, yay!"

Shalnark clapped his own hunters license against (Name)'s license excitedly, they both laughed together. Phinks who was currently at the base too, came up to (Name) and slapped her back harshly and grinned. "That's awesome, kid!"

(Name) fell flat on the ground from the harsh slap she received, she rubbed her back soothingly and let out pained grunts. "Ow... thanks Pink-san!" She attempted to stand up but got another harsh slap from Phinks again, he looked at the fallen child with a comical glare, "I told you to stop calling me Pink! That doesn't even make sense!"

(Name) looked at Phinks with a glare of her own, comical tears going down her cheeks as she rubbed her back again. "How does it not make sense?! Your name is Phinks! Phinks!! It sounds like the word Pink!!" A vein popped on Phinks' forehead, giving her a whole talk of how the nickname Pink isn't valid which (Name) didn't listen to as Uvogin stepped in, grinning at her.

He patted her shoulder, "Great job, (Name)! We should celebrate this with wineee!!" (Name) laughed brightly, punching the air with her fist, "Wooooooo!! Winee!" Shalnark panicked and furiously shook his head at the two. "No! No wine, (Name)-chan!"

"Why not? It'll be fun!" Uvogin slammed his hand on Shalnark's back, making him almost fall. Nobunaga joined in laughing as Uvogin and Shalnark argued. Nobunaga looked at (Name) with a proud smirk, "Yeah! Wine is the perfect thing to celebrate you getting your license with."

Franklin nodded at Nobunaga, "I agree," (Name) snickered at herself looking down at her clenched hand in victory. 'Yes. I can try wine! And Machi-san's not here to stop me from trying it!' The younger girl perked up and looked at the Troupe members around her.

"Heyy, is everyone else not here right now?? Is Chrollo-san here???" Phinks snapoed out of his 'Why Pink is NOT a valid nickname for me' talk and looked at (Name). "Nope, I mean, these days it's rare from the whole members to all be present together,"

(Name) frowned both sadly and angrily, she sighed and shook her head. "It's fine! I can just call Chrollo-san and the others!" She beamed at the males with a thumbs up and jumped up. "Now let me try some of that winee!!"

The members here currently all laughed, and agreed, excluding Shalnark who panicked again and kept telling them not to give (Name) any wine. "Noo!! (Name)-chaaaan! You're not supposed to drink wine after you're at a legal age!!!"

(Name) sticked her tongue out at Shalnark childishly, her finger under her eye pulling down her eyelids. "Blehh! I'm a hunter now, I can do whatever I want." She then ran away from Shalnark and went with the others, of course Shalnark did not just give up right there. He followed them to stop (Name) from drinking wine.

"Okay, how about we call Boss and ask if it's okay for you to drink wine yeah?" Shalnark thought maybe that would work and Chrollo would not let (Name) drink so she won't. Yes, this will definitely work. (Name) gasped quitely and put her hand on her chin. "Just let the kid drink it, Shalnark!"

Nobunaga complained, "No no no! We'll see what Boss says!!" The blonde haired male yelled out, making Nobunaga sweatdrop a little. On the other hand, (Name) was thinking of how Chrollo will say yes to her drinking wine because Chrollo understands her and is nice to her. 'Ha, this awful plan of yours won't work, Shal-san. Chrollo-san will let me drink it afterall!'

"Okay, Shal! I shall accept your challenge." The frown on Shalnark's lips got replaced with a huge smile in an instant as the words left (Name)'s mouth. 'Yes!' Shalnark exclaimed internally. (Name) took out the stolen phone of hers and called Chrollo quickly.

Chrollo answered almost instantly. "Hiya, Chrollo-sann!♡︎" (Name) called out in an awfully nice and kind manner. From the other side, Chrollo raised sn eyebrow at the tone she used, shaking his head a little as a small smile placed itself on his lips. "Hello, (Name). Have you passed the hunter exam by now?"

(Name) unconsciously nodded even though Chrollo couldn't see her, "Yup!! I'm a hunter now, hehe!" The child proudly flexed, her hand on her waist as the spider members around her only sweatdropped and stayed silent. "Good job, I knew you'll pass easily."

At the compliment, (Name) flashed a smile brighter than the sun as a faint blush reached her cheeks. "Ah, right, I apologise I can't be here with you right now. We can discuss about the book you read at the Hunter exam next time, yes?" A shadow covered her eyes, a sweatdropped replaced her faint blush, and a nervous awkward smile replaced her actual smile.

"U-uh, yes. Right. Of course. Um anyways- can I drink wine?" (Name) quickly changed the subject and Chrollo wasn't gullible enough to not notice it but he let it go. "Wine? Why, (Name)? Do you perhaps want to drink one?" (Name) smirked at Shalnark as if she had won already, but Shalnark, only gave her his own smirk. (Name)'s smirk turnes into a frown, silently sticking her tongue out at Shalnark again.

"Yesyes! I wanna drink wine! I can drink it right? Right?!?!" Chrollo chuckled a reassuring chuckle as (Name)'s hopeful look shattered when Chrollo spoke his next words, "I'm afraid no, you can't. Wine is very unhealthy for children and can be very harmful for you."

"Ehh??? Why not?? I'm a hunter now, I'm already not a child anymore too!!" Shalnark processed what (Name) had said and grinned, looking at the three other males with the look, they sigh at (Name)'s words.  Phinks shrugged and only laughed silently. "Wait for ten years, and then maybe you can try wine."

"But thenn everyone would be grandpas and grandmas and I can't enjoy wine with them because they're old!" (Name) spoke out desperately as Uvogin ruffled her hair softly and chuckled, "You heard what boss said. Don't worry, kiddo! I'll wait until you're old enough so we both can drink wine together with the others."

(Name) furrowed her eyebrows and pouted, looking at Uvogin with her eyes squinted. "Reaaally..?" She asked, a suspicious tone laced on her words. Uvogin flashed her a closed eyes smile and offered her a thumbs up. "Yuup!!! Promisee."

Her look vanished and her bright smile returned, "Alright then!!" She looked back at her phone. "Chrollo-san needs to be there when the whole Phantom Troupe drink wine with older me together too okay??" A chuckle emitted from her phone, "Yes, I will be there aswell."

She snickered, "Bye then, Chrollo-sann!"

"Goodbye, (Name)."

She closed the call, looking over Shalnark who was crossing his arms with a proud look on his face and opened his mouth to speak but got interrupted. "Shal, that's nothing you should be proud of so shh!" (Name) exclaimed, putting her index finger on her lips.

"But, I finally stopped you from drinking wine so of course I should be proud of myself!" Shalnark whined. "I can't wait to drink the wine... oh, Uvo-san! You better keep that promise okay??" She turned her shoes towards Uvogin and smiled with both of her hands placed on her waists.

Uvogin laughed and ruffled her hair. "Yes yes, I won't break it, I promisee."


the chapters would not follow the plot for a while for now since its supposed to be saving the zoldycks arc and going to heavens arena rn so yeah :DD

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