authors note

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hey this is my first ever (published) story so please keep that in mind and let me know what you think!! (Ignore the very bad cover)

i made a playlist for this on spotify and dont shuffle it but listen in order so then the songs should go along with each chapter :3 otherwise I will probably link songs for those who dont have spotify!!

background info:

first off i want to clarify this isnt like the show it has my own plot and twist!!

y/n the main character (obviously), is from a small town named sunnyvale in colorado but has a summer home in the OBX and has been very close family friends with the camerons since she  was born. Sarah and y/n have always been best friends and most of y/ns life she has been friends with the pouges as well. Since her and the camerons were close she has grown a strong hate for Rafe Cameron a entitled kook who acted like he was the shit. They never ever got along and avoided eachother at all cost. 

I thought to include trigger warnings on some sensitive topics the story includes:

- drug/alcohol use

- manipulation

- physical abuse

- sexual acts 

thats all I hope you enjoy this story :)))

all I need; rafe cameronWhere stories live. Discover now