Author's Note

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Hi guys, 

If you have made it this far into my silly little story, I just want to thank you. 

This has taken me way too long to write. I am really sorry for the slow updates and for not being so active this year. Over the past couple of years, I definitely have allowed university and life to get the better of me, and each update has been slow. In hindsight, I realised that my drive for perfection has certainly hindered my ability to write for fun, the way I used to, and I am on the path of finding that again. 

However, I am in the process of writing the third book. I am looking to update it weekly or fortnightly in the new year. So please let me know which day of the week you would prefer a new chapter. 

A little life update from me: Earlier in the year, I quit my job and now, I am freelancing on I am currently ghostwriting short stories for clients and it has been really fun steering my career in the right direction. My new year goal is to focus on Within the Walls, both on and off of Wattpad. 

This means, you will see me more on Tik Tok and Instagram, as I build up my author brand. The purpose of this is to prepare Within the Walls for publication in the next 1-2 years. I am currently working on getting the manuscript ready, which will include a heavy rewrite of the story, again lol. 

Again, thank you so much for your patience. This has been a hard year for me personally, and my writing fell off the bandwagon. But I am so excited to be feeling like myself again, to be writing and to also have more time to read. 

I cannot wait to catch you all in book 3. Stay tuned for the title reveal, coming soon! 

Happy holidays!


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