"I think we need the wraiths," Yoongi said. "Despite how creepy they are."

"You can keep it dark," Areum said, turning to face Jimin fully. "Will that protect us entirely from the sun?"

'It should. If it does not then it is no concern of mine.'

"How lovely."

"Well, we will just have to trust it," Yoongi said. "As long as you have no intentions of taking Eunjin's soul.

'I can no longer take her soul as it is no longer free.'

"Did he have to word it that way?" Eunjin whispered to Yoongi. She stepped away from Yoongi then and reached for the tree. "Let's go then." She paused and looked back at Jimin. "And don't touch any of us."

She stepped through followed closely behind by the others. Her mind was reeling with newfound information and theories regarding wraiths and eternal souls, and she wanted to stop to discuss these things with Yoongi.

She couldn't, obviously. They were each teetering on the line and tilting further and further towards the side of danger and death. She had fleeting thoughts of losing Yoongi, but she shook her head vigorously to clear her mind.

She would not lose Yoongi. She refused, and she would go to the ends of the earth to make sure he stayed alive.

Similar thoughts plagued Yoongi's mind. Eunjin was the most capable out of all of them, but even she had her limits. He saw how hard it was for her to destroy the chains the Phoenix trapped them in, and he knew it would be even more difficult if not impossible for her to destroy the Phoenix.

Hoseok would have been the best option to bring along, but it seemed like Namjoon needed him more than they did. Yoongi considered though that Namjoon was completely capable of destroying and burning the city without Hoseok's help.

"This is suicide," he said aloud. He didn't mean to say it, but they were all thinking it.

"Death is worth it if Hyerin is safe," Seokjin replied.

"Hyerin won't be safe if we all die," Yoongi argued.

They were getting closer to the Phoenix, and they felt the rushing feeling of something following them. They each moved faster as Jimin enveloped them in his cold darkness.

They were hidden, but they couldn't see anything. The only thing they could do was trust Jimin to guide them.

Seokjin had never felt anything so cold. Is that what death felt like? He shivered and reached blindly for one of the others. He found someone's hand, and he gripped it tightly.

It felt... much larger than Areum or Eunjin's hands, and he realized all too quick that he grabbed Yoongi's hand. He didn't let go though, and neither did Yoongi.

He felt someone grab his other hand, much smaller, and he was relieved to know it was Areum. He felt that Yoongi was holding onto Eunjin, and he was satisfied. They were all linked together with less risk of getting lost or taken.

'You will be in his home right about...


They stumbled through a door, and the darkness slipped away from them. In the middle of the room stood what they knew as the Phoenix, but he looked less charred.

He was smiling the same gross smile, and if vampires could vomit, Areum and Yoongi would have.

"What took you so long?" He asked them.

"Where's Hyerin?" Eunjin stepped forward to stand face to face with the Phoenix. "No more games."

"The half breed's child served me well," he said. "She fulfilled her purpose, and she is now home."

Eternal Soul | BTS Supernatural AU Book 2Where stories live. Discover now