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Nadia's POV

Mateo has been in a sour mood since Monday. It was now Friday. I have no idea what happened but whoever got him in a sour mood needs to fix it. It is currently lunch and he was brooding in his office. I managed to sneak away with Jess to a bistro down the road of the office.

"Girl, what the fuck has been wrong with bossman this week?" she asked biting into her sandwich.

We each ordered pulled pork sandwiches with a side of fries and our individual drinks. She has a Sprite while I have a Fanta.

"I don't know, he was fine before we slept on Saturday-"

"YOU SLEPT TOGETHER? WHY AM I ONLY HEARING OF THIS NOW?" she yelled and a few people looked over at our table.

I apologized to them and slapped Jess' hand.

"Quiet down. He showed up with work after you and Grace left. We ended up working into dinner time. I made us dinner, we had wine. It was late and he drank so I didn't want him driving home. We slept on my bed with a pillow barrier between us for my sanity. He left before I woke on Sunday," I explained and she huffed sadly.

"I really thought you made progress,"

"Progress with?" I asked mindlessly shoving a fry into my mouth. 

My phone pinged and I checked it. It was a text from Liam. We've been texting back and forth since he got my number. He's a really interesting man. He's funny and flirty. In a weirdly perfect ratio.

Liam: What's up cutie?

Me: Just the usual lunch with Jess. You eaten yet?

I put my phone down and looked back up at Jess who was smiling sneakily at me.

"Who's that?"

"Liam," I mumbled picking up my drink and taking a long sip.

"Liam like Liam from the party?"

I nodded

"Liam like thee Liam Montgomery?"

I hummed and checked his reply.

Liam: Yes ma'am. I had a burger not so long ago.

I was about to reply but the three typing dots appeared again making me halt.

"You aren't updating me on anything anymore Nads. When did this happen?"

Liam: While we're on the topic of eating and food, would you like to go out with me tomorrow for dinner?

I froze and looked up at Jess.

"He asked me out to dinner tomorrow night," I spoke almost dumbly.  It's like I was telling her but repeating it to myself as well.

"Well answer the man. Your chat is still open," Jess reminded me and I came back to reality.

Me: I would love to

"Well to answer your question, he had a meeting with Mateo on Monday. He came in early to talk to me but Mateo showed up early and interrupted before he could get my number. He came to my office after their meeting and I gave it to him. We've been texting  ever since. He seems like a great guy," I explained and Jess squealed clapping her hands.

Liam: Great, is 7 pm fine?

Me: It's great, see you then ;)

We finished our lunch before paying and walking back to the office. Jess had to collect some documents from accounting so I rode the elevator alone to our floor.

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