I saw her eyes widen marginally, but apart from that, her face didn’t change from the placid mask. “You’re mistaken.”

“No I’m not.” I replied. “What are you hiding? Who is he?” I pestered.

She turned to face me now and her look of tranquillity dissolved, leaving me to look at an angry glare of annoyance. “I said it was no one. Stop badgering me for things when you don’t know what you’re talking about. Go back to Matt’s house or something.”

Shocked by her outburst, I backed up the stairs and to my room as a recluse. Apparently there was a bigger story behind this man than I was aware of. I tried not to let it bug me, but there wasn’t anything else on my mind to distract me. My good mood from being at Jord’s had quickly evaporated and I now had to deal with my mum’s strange actions.

I settled down on my bed and grabbed my Ipod, deciding that maybe some music would calm me down, or at least give me something to do. Shoving my, specially bought to match my hair, brown headphones into my ears and putting it on shuffle, I closed my eyes and tapped along to the beat.

Just as I was dozing off, my phone ringing cut me off. I was so used to my phone being on silent for school that it made me jump nearly ten feet in the air hearing it’s ring tone playing.

I pulled the vibrating piece of machinery out of my back pocket and observed the caller ID. Well, I would have done, if there was one. Only a number was displayed on my screen, unidentified by my phone and like normal, I became instantly wary. I didn’t like answering my phone to unknown numbers.

“Hello?” I answered hesitantly.

“Hi Jessica!” Lydia’s bubbly voice tumbled through the phone. I breathed a quick sigh of relief. I don’t know what I had been expecting, but I was pleased with who it had turned out to be.

“Hey Lydia.” I replied cheerily.

“I’ve got you a job!” She announced, causing me to grin widely. “You just need to come down to the salon either today or tomorrow so we can sort out your schedule and things. Obviously the manager wants to meet you, so she can see you’re suitable for the job, but it’s pretty much secured for you.”

“Thank you!” I exclaimed giddily. My extremely short job search, where I hadn’t actually searched for any jobs, had ended and I couldn’t be happier. Well, having no job at all would have been better, but that apparently wasn’t an option. Maybe now I could buy my own bacon. A thought popped into my head. “Are you at the hairdressers now?” I checked.

“Yes.” She confirmed.

“Can I come down now then? I’ve got nothing better to do.” I informed her.

“Of course! Can you remember how to get there?” She inquired.

I chuckled guiltily. I hadn’t really been listening when she’d told me where to find the salon last night and so now I hadn’t a clue where I was headed. “Not really. I don’t know my way around very well.” I admitted.

She recited the directions to me slowly and patiently, until I had a rough idea of where I was going. I doubted I would get there without error, but it was better than not reaching my destination at all.

“I’m going out.” I informed my mother, who’s only reaction was to nod slightly, so slightly that I could barely even see her head move. He face was still blank, giving no clue as to what she was thinking.

I started up my car and realised that I had started with a full tank of petrol; at least that meant I wouldn’t have to pay for anymore fuel in the near future before I’d gotten my first pay check.

It's Not A Game Of Chance When It Comes To LoveМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя