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"Mommy!" You hear Sally cry through your headphones.

You pause the game and slip off your headphones, going downstairs to finally meet the infamous Creepypasta mother.

"No freaking way. Are you who I think you are?" A brown haired woman asks with wide eyes.

"The Fifty State Nightmare. Nice to meet you Brokensamurai," You tell her with a smile.

"Your work is amazing! Planting pictures at all of the crime scenes to connect them? That was a stroke of pure genius!" She tells you excitedly.

"Thank you!" You tell her with an excited smile.

"Finally," You hear Slender sigh, coming and scooping Broken and Sally into a hug. "How was the festival?"

"Incredible! I got you something," Broken smiles, setting Sally down and pulling a thin piece of plastic with pressed cherry blossoms inside.

"It's beautiful," Slender breathes, happily accepting bookmark.

"Sally, ready to get back to the game?" You ask her.

"Mhmm! Bye mommy!" Sally smiles, racing you up the stairs.

She goes to her room and you return to yours, the two of you chatting through your headsets as you play your computer game together.


"Thanks for the coffee," You tell E.J. as you walk with him to the hospital.

"It was my pleasure," He tells you with a smile. "Listen, do you ummmm, wanna go out with me?"

You freeze with wide eyes, your cheeks flushing bright red.

"R-Really?" You stammer out.

"O-Only if you want to! We haven't known each other long so I understand if it's no," He tells you quickly.

"N-No, not at all. I would love to," You tell him.

He wastes little time leaning down and pressing a kiss to your lips, your eyes widening before slowly fluttering closed as you return it. Both of you blush and walk in silence the rest of the way to the hospital, E.J. bidding you goodbye before you part ways. You sigh in delight as you hurry back to the forest, your heart soaring with happiness. Life couldn't get anymore perfect than this! You slip your mask back on once you make it into the trees, picking up your knife and brushing off the dirt.

"Fire!" You hear, searing pain shoots through your leg.

You stumble forward and catch yourself with your arms, pushing back to your feet and dragging your leg behind you, your knife having slipped from your hand. You force yourself to run as you try to escape the sudden threat, crying out when another pain shoots through your other leg. You stumble forward and hit the ground, gasping and trying to crawl forward. You cry out when you're suddenly grabbed by the hair, the hand jerking your head back before a searing pain shoots through your neck. Your heart pounds in your chest as your vision begins to swim, whimpering as you desperately reach forward. A soft cry escapes your lips as you collapse on the ground, looking desperately through the trees before your eyes close and your mind descends into darkness.


"Vitals are normal. She responds to injury the same as a human would," You hear a voice say, monitors beeping around you.

"DNA results are back. She went by the name Y/N L/N. She went missing six months ago but was believed to be dead," Another voice says.

"She's waking up!" A voice announces.

The Fifty State NightmareWhere stories live. Discover now