Chapter 3: Clothes, Chocolate and A lot of Robots

Start from the beginning

After trying it all on, i had 5 outfits i liked. I also came across another pair of earphones, which were light blue and looked way softer than the current one's. I decided to get them because i'll definitely be wearing these things like all the time. When i went to pay the person tried talking to me, and while i didn't really feel like it, i was nice to them. Only because i don't want to make a bad impression somewhere i might need to come back to.

I didn't want to get into any of my new clothes yet because I've been in my current ones for like 2 days now and I need to take a fucking shower.
Time skip cause I don't need another walking scene lol


After taking a shower, i got dressed and walked out of my room, i wore one of the only outfits that was exactly like my old ones (Just got this image cause i dont wanna explain lol )

After taking a shower, i got dressed and walked out of my room, i wore one of the only outfits that was exactly like my old ones (Just got this image cause i dont wanna explain lol )

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"Hey old man, i've got some new clothes now." I said sitting down next to him once again. "And don't you dare insult my fashion sense again" i added with a glare towards him. I could almost see the comical sweat drop going down his head as he looked away from me. We sat in silence for a little while, it was comfortable silence though. The old man turned to me and started speaking. " We probably have to go over the stuff you're going to do at U.A at some point, do you wanna do it now?" to which i responded " Yeah why not, U.A is the school im going to be going to right?" i asked. I haven't been here for long but as i was walking down the streets it was hard not to hear all the people chatting about recent events 'U.A' has been involved in. Like moving into dorm rooms due to a villain attack on their training camp and such. " Yeah, there are multiple things you can do there like general studies, the support course or the hero department.I doubt you'd be into business studies because of your.. attitude." He said looking away from me and coughing into his hand as he said 'attitude'.

I wasn't insulted in the slightest though, mainly because he was completely right. "Which one is the most fun?" i asked to which aizawa gave a slight frown " this isn't supposed to be fun kid, it's a hero school" he said.  i ignored it though, "Okay then, which will i get the most practical use out of while still being able to do stuff other than learn in a classroom" I questioned him. "If i had to say, probably the hero course, it will contain more than just the usual lessons and-" I cut him off " I'll do that one then" i said with an indifferent voice." Kid thats probably the hardest one to get into, you have to get high scores on both written and practical to get in, even with my recommendation it will be difficul-" I once again cut him off "I don't care, i'm not worried about either. I could do high level calculus at 10 years old and im extremely confident in my physical abilities." I said, almost getting pissed off at the way he looked at me like i was crazy. "I mean okay then.. You better not let me down then killua." He stated in a serious tone " If you don't get in it won't be my fault"

"Got it old man i won't fail" I responded with a grin. the look on his face when it turns out i ace everything is going to be priceless i chuckled to myself. " There are two exams, the recommendation and the one that regular people use to get in. The recommendations are off limits though as it's pretty rare to have someone transfer in so late into the year. In the regular one you have to fight robots, each one is worth a different amount of points. You have to collect as many points as you can before time runs out." He stated " Usually you'd have to do it with lots of other people but since i'm recommending you, you should be able to do it on your own" Perfect, i work better alone anyway. At least when the other person isn't gon- "You got all that kid?" Aizawa asked, snapping me out of my thoughts." of course i do, this should be easy enough" I said with a cocky grin, unsettling aizawa who while killua was thinking was going on about just how hard it'd be. " If you say so kid, i'll talk to nezu and try to get you in for tomorrow, what should i put your quirk down as? ." He said, getting up and walking to the kitchen to get his phone "Just make something up, im not bothered as long as its not lame" i said to him. " Alright you can go out and do whatever, explore and get used to the surroundings because i have i feeling you'll be here for a while" he told me while holding the phone up to his ear. I decided to listen to his advice, putting my new earmuffs on to protect me from all the noise. I gave him a wave before leaving the house and shutting the door.

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