After that she started instructing me on what exercises I will be doing and proceeded to give me demonstrations. Apparently later on we will start going to the gym to train with weight but for at least a week or two it will just be outside.

After about an hour of being taught some exercises and then doing a workout she said that was it for today. I was completely exhausted and covered in sweat, it might sound ridiculous but I am pretty sure the only reason I was able to do it was because I was starring at her ass and thighs for a vast majority of the time. The male body truly works on extremely basic principles and Fuka and I both know it; I could tell she was arousing me on purpose sometimes throughout this morning. Her "motivation" was definitely very effective and even though I know she did it for that reason I didn't miss the hungry eyes she looked at me with, I feel very scared.

"Ok, good job today, for a first day you did better than I thought. Go back to your room and shower and change. When you are done come to my dorm room and I will give you breakfast as a reward, I'll tell you my demand then too. I would say to be there by 4 but since I am sure you will be doing something else in the shower as well how about 4:30?"

Unfortunately she isn't wrong, but she still said that just to embarrass me. Trying to deny her the satisfaction of being super embarrassed I quickly replied.

"Ok, I'll see you then. Thank you again."

With that I left before she could respond and ran away, even though my entire body was tired I managed to get the energy to run. If I stayed there I am afraid she would have devoured me whole, it doesn't sound like such a bad thing but I also am not looking for that to happen.

I immediately ran back to my dorm to bathe and change into my school uniform, after my longer than usually shower I made my way to the second-year dorms. While I was in the shower she sent me her room number, it was really weird for a first year by to be going to the second-year dorms at 4:15 AM so I decided to take the stairs. Unfortunate she lives on the eighth floor so it took a while.

Once I got to her room I knocked, after a few seconds Fuka opened the door, she changed so I guess she probably already bathed and had made food. She was dressed in some extremely short shorts and a tank top now, I guess there are more than 2 hours before school starts but I feel there might be another reason too.

"You got here on time; did you enjoy that extra long shower? Were you thinking of a beautiful girl you know in there by chance? Don't worry I don't mind if you were, after all it is only natural to lust after a beautiful girl like me."

I feel like she is way too into teasing me, what she says is frighteningly accurate too, she is more dangerous then I could have imagined from reading the light novel.

"It was nice to clean off, thank you for asking. I am really hungry though; I hope you made a lot of food."

"I made a good meal for after a workout, eating the correct things is much more important than the volume."

She then showed me to a small table in her dorm, I was looking around her dorm and it was mostly how I expected. It was relatively simple but very elegant, as to be expected from her.

On the table was a smoothy that had some protein added I'm guessing as well as a bowl of oatmeal with banana in it. It was simple but undoubtable healthy, I don't hate any of the food so I happily dug in. Since I was really hungry I don't even remember what it tasted like, it definitely wasn't bad tasting though. After we both finished I could see her evil looking smile and I knew that her command would be evil, I don't think I realized how much this deal favors her. I should have said one command a week or something, each day will soon turn into hell.

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