"You are correct, my name is Alexander Smith but you can call me Alex, since I am American I am not used to being called by my last name. The topic I wanted to talk to you about is your childhood friend."

When I said childhood friend I could see the momentary confusion on her face before she masked it, I guess Ayanokoji was the only person she considered a friend in her childhood.

She replied with her usual tone.

"And which childhood friend are you referring to Alex-kun? I am afraid I have so many I can't know which one you mean."

It is kind of funny how she just completely told me complete bullshit but if I didn't know from the anime I would believe her for sure.

"I mean the one you haven't seen in 8 years, if you want to know the details it will cost you."

When I said 8 years I could see the shock on her face that she didn't even bother to hide, because of how obsessive she is I bet she will accept my deal.

"What would you like for this information? With the information you have there is no point hiding my excitement since you must know my feeling about that person."

Since I want to establish a good relationship with her I don't want to squeeze everything I can out of her. Offering her a favorable deal is in my best interest.

"I want your phone number and 1 favor for future use. Don't worry I don't want you to pay for me to get to class A."

After that she tried to hide her excitement as much as possible but it still bled through, her pride didn't allow her to act so childish but her desire to know about Ayanokoji overpowered it.

"I am not so naïve to take your word for it but I will accept the terms of this agreement, I will give you my phone number and one future favor in exchange for information on Kiyotaka Ayanokoji."

I could only assume she was recording this conversation as well so there it is obvious she would make it clear what the deal is for potential use in the future.

"Your friend Ayanokoji is currently in this school as a student in Class D. He came her to learn more about human nature and experience things he never could have before. He plans to live a quite life but no doubt will get dragged into things in the future, this school is not kind to people who try to hide in plain sight after all."

From the books everyone who tries to hide gets found out and most get exposed one way of the other. I could see a wide smile different from her smug smile break out, it seems she is very happy with what I told her. I don't think this will change the timeline very much because Ayanokoji doesn't do a whole lot before the summer vacation. I also highly doubt she would just approach him, but I could always be wrong.

"Fufufu I seems like I was able to buy some great information for cheap, I wonder what else you could tell me?"

"Yahiko Totsuka has a crush on Kohei Katsuragi."

I tried to say it with a straight face but when Sakayanagi started cackling I couldn't help but chuckle as well. She is really scary; I will have to make sure I get myself out of her crosshair.

"Unfortunately Sakayanagi-san I will only sell you 1 critical piece of information a semester. If you want to know something else you will have to wait until then, I assume a similar arrangement would be acceptable then?"

After that she gave me a smile that could get any lolicon to commit a crime and replied.

"Of course Alex-kun, I look forward to what you will tell me next semester. I wonder what you will sell the other class leaders, it is clear you plan to make deals and collect favors. To other people this information would be pretty useless unless you explained that place, which I don't think you would."

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